Microecological preparations, also known as live bacteria preparations, refer to preparations made by special techniques that use the principle of microecology to promote the use of probiotics or probiotic growth-promoting substances that are beneficial to the host. In recent years, as a substitute for antibiotics, microecological preparations have been rapidly developed and used in a wide range because of their non-toxic, non-residual and non-polluting characteristics.
The role of microecological agents
Maintaining the Balance of the Intestinal Flora Under normal circumstances, the interaction between beneficial bacteria and harmful bacteria in the intestinal tract of animals can maintain a dynamic balance between microorganisms, when they are affected by external influences, such as stress, large quantities of long-term use of antibiotics, etc. The dynamic balance may be broken, resulting in a large number of harmful bacteria, leading to the onset of the body, and long-term and regular use of probiotics, such as Weiwei Kang and Vivienne can maintain the balance of intestinal flora.
Anti-infective and immune-improving functions Micro-ecological preparations increase the number of beneficial bacteria in the intestinal tract of animals through biological oxygen capture, competitive occupancy, and acid production, thereby limiting the number of foreign bacteria and enhancing the animal's ability to fight infections. Reduce the incidence of animal body. At the same time, microecological preparations can also promote the development of animal immune organs and enhance immunity.
The role of diarrhea in the prevention of diarrhea in the animal intestinal flora disorder occurs, the number of bifidobacterial significantly decreased, and will also make the intestinal tract lose anaerobic bactericidal barrier and antagonism, conducive to the invasion of the attack pathogens. Whether it is acute or chronic diarrhea, or viral or bacterial diarrhea, the number of beneficial anaerobic flora present in the intestine will be significantly reduced and the intestinal flora will be seriously out of balance. Microecological preparations use bifidobacteria, lactobacillus and other micro-ecological conditioning agents, which can rapidly increase the number of intestinal anaerobic bacteria and promote the cure of diarrhea.
Increasing the feed conversion rate, promoting the growth of micro-ecological preparations in addition to its own body can provide nutrients, but also the synthesis of a variety of vitamins, such as lactobacillus and bifidobacteria can synthesize vitamin B, etc., to promote animal body protein, calcium, iron Such as digestion and absorption, thereby promoting the growth of livestock and poultry, improve production performance. Vivienne and Weiweikang contain a certain amount of natural vitamins, organic trace elements, and probiotic oligosaccharides, which mediate the intestinal microflora and provide nutrients to the animal body to promote its growth.
Eliminating environmental odors and improving environmental sanitation Many micro-ecological agents enter the animal body and act synergistically with beneficial bacteria in the intestinal tract to effectively enhance intestinal activity and increase protein utilization. At the same time, due to the proliferation of beneficial bacteria in the intestine, it is bound to inhibit the activity of E. coli and so on, thereby reducing the conversion of protein to ammonia and amines, reducing the concentration of ammonia in the intestine and blood, and reducing the amount of ammonia discharged with the feces. Taste is effectively controlled, indoor air quality is improved, animal body stress is reduced, and environmental pollution is reduced.
When to use
The larval animal microecological preparation can be used throughout the animal's growth process, but its effect is not the same in different growth periods. For animal larvae, the microecological balance in the intestine has not been fully established yet, and the ability to resist diseases is weak. At this time, the introduction of probiotics can enter the body more quickly and occupy the attachment point, which has the best effect. For example, the use of probiotics in newborn ruminants can increase the number of beneficial microbial populations in the intestine, prevent pathogenic microorganisms from invading the intestine, and promote the digestion of cellulose by host animals. After the chicks are hatched, the probiotics can be used to preferentially occupy the digestive tract, inhibit the proliferation of harmful bacteria, prevent the occurrence of intestinal diseases, and at the same time prevent the vertical transmission of bacteria.
During digestive disorders, the digestive system of animals is prone to disorders under conditions of weaning, transportation, feed conversion, weather mutations, and poor feeding conditions. This is manifested in the faeces of the faeces that contain feed and grow slowly. At this time, when the probiotics are administered, the beneficial flora of the intestine will recover quickly, thereby reducing the chance of onset.
When a normal flora of the intestine is destroyed due to a large number of antibiotics, when the animal has a bacterial or viral disease, a large number of antibiotics and antiviral drugs will be administered, which will result in the killing of beneficial bacteria and harmful bacteria in the intestinal tract of animals. After the drug, harmful bacteria, such as E. coli, will rapidly grow and multiply, and it is very likely that the animal will develop the disease again. Therefore, the use of probiotics in the timely application of antibacterial drugs can effectively inhibit the proliferation of harmful bacteria, so that the animal's intestinal environment presents a normal equilibrium, reducing the recurrence of the disease.
Use dose
The probiotic effect of the microecological preparation is achieved through a series of physiological activities of beneficial microorganisms in the animal body. The final effect is closely related to the number of probiotics applied, and the number is not enough. The advantage of the flora cannot be formed in the body and it is difficult to play a probiotic role. . According to experiments, if the concentration of a bacterium in the cecal contents is less than 107/g, the enzymes and metabolites produced by the bacterium will not be sufficient to affect the host; if the amount is too large, it will exceed the need to occupy the intestine and form a dominant flora. The amount of bacteria will not only increase the effectiveness, but will cause unnecessary waste. There is no uniform requirement for the number of microflora used for specific cultured animals. German scholars believe that the microbiological agents in feed should have a bacterial content of (0.2-0.5) 107/g feed. Adding 106 Bacillus per gram to the feed, E. coli in feces decreased by 35%, and 0.5-0.6 grams per day would have a therapeutic effect, while Lactobacillus differs depending on the preparation, and its number is not less than 107/ g, 0.1 g-3 g is applied daily, and the general addition amount is 0.02%-0.2%. Weiweikang and Weiwei'an have proved through a lot of experiments that the best effect is when the amount is 500g-1000g/ton.
Combined with antibiotics
Taking into account the shortcomings of microecological preparations in the treatment of sudden diseases, in the epidemic period of the animals, the more targeted antibiotics can be used first to kill or inhibit the reproduction of pathogenic microorganisms and control the spread of the disease. However, while the antibiotics are killing pathogenic bacteria, the normal flora of the animals is also destroyed. In this case, microecological preparations should be introduced in time, and through the unique beneficial effects, the disturbed intestinal flora balance can be restored. It has been reported that resistant probiotic strains have been screened and can be used in combination with antibiotics, as bacterial resistance is a more complex problem. Studies have shown that the development of resistant bacteria is mainly due to the transfer of drug resistant plasmids and drug selectivity. Suppressed. The plasmid is present in bacterial cells and is an extrachromosomal genetic material with self-replication ability. The plasmid that dictates drug resistance is also called R factor, and a plasmid with multiple drug resistances is also called a multi-resistance plasmid. R factor can not only transfer the drug resistance to the same kind of cells, but also can transfer to different kinds of cells in different genera. Therefore, it is necessary to systematically study the resistance mechanisms of the drug-resistant probiotic strains, if the drug resistance due to the infiltration of drugs due to the special chemical structure of the cells will not be transmitted, this drug-resistant strain can be used in combination with antibiotics. If the resistance is controlled by factor R, in order to avoid the proliferation of resistant strains, such resistant probiotic strains should not be used in combination with antibiotics. The Enterococcus faecium used by Wei Wei'an and Wei Weikang is a colony selected from a variety of colonies that is not sensitive to the usual doses of various drugs. At the same time, the use of coating methods in the production process reduces the effect of antibiotics. The odds guarantee the effect when combined with antibiotics.
usage time
As a feed additive, biological control agent or environmental modifier, the physiological role of microecological preparations has been tested in practice and is an important driving force for the development of ecological farming in the future. Now people only use it as a means of biological regulation, such as the use as a disease control agent, because its therapeutic effect is still more difficult than chemical drugs, and it is used only for prevention. When a farm animal has a sudden illness, it has to pass the chemistry. Drugs are controlled. In addition, microecological agents advocate the maintenance of normal microecological balance and improve the animal's own immune defense capability. This is a long-term project and must be continuously supplemented during the animal's daily breeding process in order to achieve the expected results.
The components of the microecological preparations are beneficial bacteria, not drugs, which cannot directly kill pathogens, but they cannot kill viruses. Its role can only directly or indirectly inhibit pathogens, treat and regulate some of the lighter intestinal diseases, remove ammonia, improve the breeding environment, so that the animal's body to restore health and promote growth. At this stage, it is necessary to improve the use value and effectiveness of the microecological preparations by first killing them with effective antibiotics and cleaning up pathogenic bacteria; and then rapidly supplementing the beneficial bacteria flora of the intestine with microecological preparations, and assisting the original flora to restore its dominant position and improving the intestinal tract. Channel bacteria balance, improve immunity, and thus promote the health of the digestive tract and respiratory tract, to ensure production performance. In this way, active ecological breeding can be achieved, appropriate amounts of drug-assisted treatment can be combined, and the maximum production performance of livestock and poultry can be brought into full play, medical expenses can be reduced, and production costs can be reduced.
In short, under the guidance of animal micro-ecological theory, targeted use, selection, use of micro-ecological preparations, and embarked on a new generation of green ecological farming roads that maximize the benefits of the most economical investment.
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