Preparation and management techniques of home-planted garlic seedlings

Cultivation of garlic, can receive two garlic, about 15 kg, is a short cycle, high income family farming. If you want to grow blue garlic, you must grasp the following three points:

1, prepare before planting. Before planting, first select seed, box, soil and soak. Purple garlic and white garlic can be cultivated in the room, white garlic, garlic, and more small, rapid emergence, high yield, low cost, choose to use the organization to add white garlic as garlic. The cultivation box can be made into a wooden box that grows 65 centimeters wide, 20 centimeters wide, and 10 centimeters high. The box is filled with 5 centimeters of bed soil (bed soil is formulated with 30%-40% of Chenma excrement, 60%-70% of field soil, Add a little cooked bean cake better). Before sowing, soak the garlic seeds in cold water for 20 hours, remove the stems, and remove the old root plate (but do not injure the garlic cloves).

2, planting. Leveling the soil inside the box, place the selected garlic one by one on the earth bed in the box. The gap between the garlic can be squeezed tightly with garlic cloves. Place it with a wooden counter-pressure and compact it and spread it over 3-4 cm. Sand and then spray water soaked the bed.

3, management. After planting, the daytime temperature should be controlled at 20-30°C and 18-20°C at night. After 7 days, the garlic sprouts can be released. When the seedling height is 3-4 cm, it can be 18-20°C and 15-20°C at night. After the garlic sprouts, it begins to pour water once every 2-3 days, and the water quantity per square meter is 4-5 kg. With the growth of garlic seedlings, the amount of water spray should be increased to 6-7 kg. During the late growth period of garlic sprouts, water should be poured every 4-5 days. The amount of water should be 4-5 kg ​​per square meter (water should not be too cold, with a slightly warmer temperature. should). When the seedling height is 3-4 cm, it should be topped with 2000 times of potassium fertilizer water, and when it is 10 cm, it should be topped with 500-1000 times potassium fertilizer water (30% more than without fertilizer application). When the seedlings grow to 25 centimeters in height, they can be harvested and marketed. Before the harvest can be properly poured a small amount of water, so that garlic seedlings straight, easy to hit the sales.

Functional Oligosaccharide

Functional oligosaccharides refer to oligosaccharides that are difficult or impossible to be digested and absorbed by the human body and have special physiological effects on the human body. Its sweetness is generally only 30-50% of that of sucrose, and it has physiological functions such as low-calorie, anti-caries, prevention and treatment of diabetes, and improvement of intestinal colony structure. Due to the special physiological functions of functional oligosaccharides, it becomes a nutrient and health care product. A new generation of food-effect raw materials that integrate diet and therapy. It is a new functional sugar source that replaces sucrose and has a wide range of uses and application prospects. Common functional oligosaccharides include: xylo-oligosaccharides, fructooligosaccharides, galacto-oligosaccharides, isomaltose, raffinose and so on.

XOS, GOS, FOS, IMO, Raffinose, oligosaccharide

Xi'an Gawen Biotechnology Co., Ltd ,