Filtration generally refers to a process in which a filter material layer such as quartz sand or anthracite is used to intercept suspended impurities in water, thereby obtaining clarification of water. The porous material used for filtration is called filter material. The microporous membrane filter is a membrane separation technology. The filter is a cylindrical tubular structure made of 304 or 316L stainless steel. The folded filter element is a filter element. In addition to liquids, gases, particles of more than 0.1μm and bacteria.
First, the working principle of microporous membrane filter
It has the advantages of high filtration precision, fast filtration speed, less adsorption, no media shedding, no leakage, acid and alkali corrosion resistance, easy operation, etc. It can eliminate bacteria and particles in water and liquid medicine in injection water, and can be backflushed during cleaning. Different requirements of users can form second, third and fourth grade filters to achieve the best filtering effect, widely used in sterilization, clarification of medicine, large infusion, pure water, bioengineering.
Second, the application of microporous membrane filter
Pre-treatment of reverse osmosis, electrodialysis, ion exchanger, ultrafiltration, etc., pre-water filtration treatment of power generation, chemical industry, papermaking, beverages, etc., decolorization of dewatering and de-organism of chemical plants. Pretreatment of domestic water. Industrial water treatment, swimming pool water treatment. Circulating water filtration system. Surface water, groundwater, turbidity and color removal, wastewater treatment, etc.
Third, the characteristics of the microporous membrane filter
Therefore, it has strong adsorption capacity for dissolved organic substances in water, such as benzenes, phenolic compounds, etc., and organic pollutants such as color, odor, surfactant, which are difficult to remove by biological and chemical methods. Synthetic detergents and dyes have good removal effects. The removal rate of Ag^+, Cd^2+ and CrO4^2- in water by granular activated carbon is more than 85%. The suspension in water is less than 0.1mg/L, the COD removal rate is generally 40%~50%, and the free chlorine is less than 0.1mg/L.
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