Cherry tree pest control

Sakura is also known as Yamato Sakura, Fukushima Sakura, and Sakura. Rosaceae Li Yake deciduous trees. Bark purple brown, smooth and shiny, with stripes. Leaves alternate, elliptic or obovate-elliptic, margin toothed, apex pointed and glandular, dark green surface, shiny, slightly pale on the back. The stipules are lanceolate and scalloped, with jagged edges and glands. Each flower has three or five flowers, forming an umbrella inflorescence, and the bracts develop horizontally. The petal tip has nicks, white and red. Flowers bloom in March and leaves or leaves. The nuclei were spherical, initially red, and later purple-brown, mature in July.

Disease prevention and treatment

Sakura leaves are susceptible to diseases such as powdery mildew, brown spot disease, coal fouling and gum disease, and root nodule disease. If they are not controlled in time, they may cause premature leaf shedding and affect nutrient accumulation, which may adversely affect flowering in the next year. For powdery mildew, brown spot, and coal contamination, Bifidobacterium 1000-1500 solution, 70% thiophanate-methyl 1000-time solution, and 65% zeocin-zinc wettable powder 500-times solution can be applied every 15 days. Glue disease is caused by moths drilling into the trunk to spawn eggs. They can use diggers to dig eggs, improve soil, and strengthen water and fertilizer management. Rhizoma disease causes the roots of diseased trees to fail to grow normally. The tree is not robust no matter how fertilized it. The tumor should be promptly resected and the soil should be disinfected. The soil should be treated with humus, charcoal powder and microbes.

Pest control

The main pests that damage cherry trees are locusts, red spiders, and scale insects. It should be prevention-based. It should be sprayed 3 to 4 times a year, the first time before flowering, the second after flowering, and the third time from July to August. Avoid using dichlorvos as much as possible to avoid causing fallen leaves. Appropriate watering and increase foliar spray fertilizer (0.3% to 0.5% urea, 0.3% potassium dihydrogen phosphate) to ensure that the leaves are complete, thick and green.

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