Baidu returns to artificial intelligence medical technology: BAT is far from over

Tongxiang City, Jiaxing City, Zhejiang Province, is 60 kilometers away from Hangzhou and Suzhou, and 106 kilometers away from Shanghai. It is located in Wuzhen, a famous historical and cultural town in China. This historical town, known as the “land of fish and rice, the residence of silk”, played the role of the future “technical vane” after the second World Internet Conference in 2015.

Artificial intelligence "penalty and sin"

On May 27, 2017, the coordinates of Wuzhen, the current 126 posted Ke Jie got up and left, facing the insurmountable strength gap with AlphaGo, tears on the spot. In fact, from that moment on, the confrontation between humans and AlphaGo on Go has already come to an end. Even this world-famous "human-machine war" is the end of the former's 0:3 defeat.

In recent years, the rapid development of artificial intelligence has made the human being, who is the creator, more and more sincere and fearful.

The second wave of automation has made artificial cognition, cheap sensors, machine learning and distributed intelligence the focus of change. Extensive automation touches all types of work, including manual labor and knowledge-based work.

With the heavy bets of companies such as Google, IBM, Baidu, etc., the tentacles of artificial intelligence robots began to gradually reach the elite, programmers, lawyers, architects, journalists and even doctors, as if these industry fans are in its aura. Underneath, it looks bleak.

Unemployment is the first element of fear, but its root cause is the anxiety that people have about things that cannot be controlled. The intricacies and intrigues of human society have caused all goodwill to be fooled and deceived.

Imagine a terrorist organization that loaded an unmanned vehicle with a bomb and reprogrammed it into a murder weapon. This type of life harvesting tool, such as the "hangman", is called "artificial intelligence weapon."

Faced with this kind of honeycomb, one side is honey, and the other is a crisis choice. The author of "A Brief History of Humanity", Israeli historian Yuval Hulari is boldly predicting that 300 years later, human beings will not be the earth. The dominant form of life - if humans at that time still exist.

Under the critical theory of binary opposition, almost everything has two sides.


Resisting or accepting determines whether a technology or a person can be reborn. Just as people are still worried about whether Ke Jie can get out of the shadow of the disastrous AlphaGo, the "inspired by God" chess player will let the Korean champion experience a cruel "downward strike". ".


At the "2017 China International Big Data Industry Expo", Baidu founder Li Yanhong also refutes people's suspicions about artificial intelligence:

“The industry usually divides artificial intelligence into three phases, weak artificial intelligence (in the case of current artificial intelligence), strong artificial intelligence (the same ability of computers and human brains), and super artificial intelligence (computers must transcend the human brain). In fact, All artificial intelligence technologies, no matter how advanced, are weak artificial intelligence. In the future, machines can reach people's capabilities infinitely, but they cannot surpass human capabilities. Human beings are optimistic about the exploration, development and evolution of artificial intelligence. The impact is controllable..."

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