Cherry fruit flies are an important fruit and fruit pest that harms the cherry fruit. The damaged cherry fruit can not be eaten, which seriously affects the quality and economic benefits of the fruit. It has become a problem to be solved in the production of big cherry. Drosophila mainly damages the cherry fruit. Adults lay their eggs under the skin of the cherry. After hatching, the larvae first harm the fruit surface, then feed on the fruit and the flesh gradually softens, browns, and rots. General larvae develop into mature larvae within 5 to 6 days of the fruit, and then bite through the peel to remove fruit. The fruit removal hole is 1 mm in size. One fruit is often endangered by long-lasting fruit flies, and the consequences of larvae fruit removal are multiple insect eyes on the skin.
Cherry flies occur 10 to 11 generations a year. The adults begin to move when the temperatures reach 15°C in the late February or early March of the following year, and the ground temperature reaches 5°C. The adults begin to move around on April 15th or later. In mid-May, when the temperature was stable at about 20°C and the ground temperature was about 15°C, the number of adults increased. In mid-late and late May, adults started to lay eggs on fruit. In mid-late and late mid-late ripening, large-middle-maturing cherry fruits were matured during the period of high mortality. The larvae feed on the fruit for 5 to 6 days. After being cooked, the larvae take off the fruits and fall into the earth. The larvae become adults and continue to lay eggs for the next generation.
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