Mushrooms can't eat with any food

Mushrooms are a favorite mushroom food and have a rich nutritional value. What happened to many people because of gluttony causing stomach pain? Mushrooms can not be eaten with anything, the following Xiaobian will give you a detailed introduction to mushroom dietary taboos

1. Mushrooms cannot be eaten together with meat

Mushroom and quail meat food grams, not with the oyster meat with food, or face long dark spots. Similarly, quail eggs cannot be eaten with mushrooms.


2. Mushrooms cannot be eaten with crabs

Mushrooms cannot be eaten with crabs. Mushrooms contain vitamin D, and crabs are also rich in vitamin D. When they are eaten together, the vitamin D content in the human body will be too high, resulting in increased calcium and long-term consumption can easily cause stones.

3, mushrooms can not eat together with the tomato

Mushrooms and tomatoes eat together to destroy carotenoids and reduce nutritional value. Mushrooms are rich in biochemical substances, and when they are eaten with tomatoes containing carotenoids, they can destroy the carotenoids contained in tomatoes and reduce the nutritional value.

Mushrooms are delicious, so how can mushrooms be delicious? How to eat mushrooms? Take a look.

1. Mushroom dry products can be soaked in lukewarm water for about half a day and then allowed to rotate in the basin to remove sand; fresh products can be cleaned directly. Dietary knowledge

2, after removing the mushroom root, can fry, stir, stir, fry, mix, soup, but also brewing, steaming, burning, but also for all kinds of vegetarian dishes ingredients, is one of the senior edible fungi dishes . Specifically, mushrooms can be made into dishes such as braised mushrooms, sliced ​​meat, fresh mushrooms, mozzarella clams, mussels, hibiscus egg soup, mush duck, mushroom burned water chestnut, mushroom fried bean curd and mushroom stewed tofu.

3, mushrooms are not easy to save food, the day will be yellow, and the back of the umbrella will turn brown, if heated, even if slightly brown, do not care, but if you eat raw, you should choose Buy fresh mushrooms and cut them with lemon or vinegar to prevent them from discoloring.

Look at maturity and look at colors when picking mushrooms. Do not buy mushrooms of particularly high maturity and have poor quality. Seventy-eight mature best. A good mushroom mushroom cover is white or gray, and the mushroom handle is white. If the mushroom is yellow, it is not good. The reason for yellowing is that the mushroom is old, sprayed with water, or contaminated with bacteria.

Mushrooms precautions

1, people who are allergic to mushrooms are unfit for human consumption. Mushrooms can also become allergens. If you are allergic to mushrooms, eating mushrooms can cause skin irritation, frequent diarrhea, indigestion, headaches, sore throat, asthma and other allergies, so this group of people should also avoid eating mushrooms .

2, mushroom slippery, diarrhea are unfit for human consumption. People suffering from gastro-intestinal diseases and liver and kidney failure should not eat mushrooms as much as they contain a substance called chitin, which hinders digestion and absorption in the stomach and intestines.

3, mushrooms picked from the wild should not be eaten casually, so as not to eat poisonous wild mushroom poisoning.

4. Mushrooms contain sodium glutamate. When cooking mushrooms, do not add them in boiling hot pots. Because sodium glutamate becomes pyroglutamic acid sodium at a temperature higher than 120°C, it is harmful to the human body after eating, and it is difficult to be excreted.

5, when cooking mushrooms should not add MSG and chicken, these are all fresh agents, and mushrooms and other foods themselves contain umami ingredients. The sodium glutamate contained in the mushroom itself also has a salty taste. If MSG is added to the cooking food, salt should be added less.

6, it is best to eat fresh mushrooms. Mushrooms sold in supermarkets or shopping malls are sometimes immersed in water to ensure quality. Mushrooms that are soaked in water will have many nutrients dissolved in the water, so it is recommended that consumers purchase fresh mushrooms.

Genetic Analyzer For MLPA

MLPA ( Multiplex Ligation-dependent Probe Amplification) method detects multiple copy number changes of genes or loci sites. Nowadays, MLPA is used to check large numbers of hereditary disorders and tumour profiling.Since Dutch Scientist Jan Schouten first invented it, the MLPA method was first published in 2002 'Nucleic Acid Research'. The principle of the MLPA is to apply the specific probe design targeting a region of interest on each sample DNA. MLPA method consists of the following steps:

Denaturation > Hybridization Ligation > PCR MLPA Amplificons Capillary Electrophoresis >Data Analysis

Mlpa Principle

PCR reaction consists of the three steps: denaturation, primer annealing and primer elongation. Those steps of PCR amplification are repeated many times. The fluorescence-labeled primers, which will go through the capillary electrophoresis to pass a detector, are incorporated into the size of the amplification products. The measured fluorescence was visualized as a peak pattern, the so-called electropherogram. The raw data from the capillary electrophoresis analyzer forms the input of the MLPA analysis.

The genetic analyzers of Superyears Gene can be used not only for Sanger sequencing but also for fragment analysis. Fragment analysis First, it obtains the fluorescence-labelled DNA fragments, performs the capillary electrophoresis using a Genetic Analyzer and compares the sample's relative size standard with the designed size standard markers through the analysis software.

The genetic analyzer of Superyears Gene can be used in the capillary electrophoresis during the process of the MLPA experiment, and the data obtained can be used for (compatible) professional analysis software.

Genetic Analyzer For Mlpa,3130Xl Genetic Analyzer,Genetic Analyzer Capillary Electrophoresis,Genetic Analyzer Gene Sequencing Mlpa

Nanjing Superyears Gene Technology Co., Ltd. ,