Plant morphology
The beans belong to the family of legumes. It is named "Sword Bean" because of its shape resembling a knife. It is also known as "Sword and Bean" because it resembles a man's sword. The main varieties are vines and dwarves. Spread beans, also known as "Sword beans", "Chinese beans", "Confucian beans", "Saber beans", "Scabbard beans", "Sword Croton." Herbs annual, stalked, glabrous. Compound leaves, 3 leaflets, small leaves broadly ovate or ovate-oblong, petiole 3 to 12 cm long, axillary from axillary leaves, several large butterfly flowers open, racemes axillary, flowers Sparse, short-stalked; calyx 2-lipped, upper lip large, 2-lobed, lower lip 3-toothed, ovate; corolla pale or lavender, butterfly, 3–4 cm long, flag flaps rounded, wing flaps shorter , about the same length as the keel, keel bending; stamens 10, commissures as monomers; ovary with short handle. Large and flat pods are 25-30 cm long and 3.5 cm wide. There are 10 to 14 seeds, kidney-shaped, red or brown. Native to the eastern tropical hemisphere. Short dwarf beans, also known as "dwarf beans", "sword beans," "arba beans." Stems dwarf or semi-brown, purple flowers, pods smaller than the spread of beans, seeds white, native to India.
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