Various diseases and insect pests control technology of corn

1. Subterranean pests (tiger tigers, cockroaches, golden needleworms, cultivars, etc.) use thiamethoxam and imidacloprid for seed dressing or coating, and can simultaneously treat seedlings of thrips, aphids (dwarf mosaic virus transmission mediators) and Laodelphax striatellus (drug mediator).

2. Soil-borne diseases (silk and spike, dwarfism) use difenoconazole, tebuconazole and other fungicides for seed dressing or coating to prevent silk earings. Dwarf disease may be used in areas with feroxin or seed dressing. Coating.

3. Corn stalks and corns are returned to the field in summer, and spring stalks are sealed in the spring maize field 15 days before the winter overwintering, reducing the base number of overwintering larvae of corn borers; using insecticidal lamps or sex sedation during the early adult emergence period of overwintering adults. Agent trapping; adult Trichogramma released eggs at the beginning of oviposition. Spray Bt preparation when the egg hatching rate reaches 30%; Bt, chlorpyrifos, phoxim granules may be applied at the end of the heart leaf stage, or spraying with chlorantraniliprole, cyhalothrin, cypermethrin, etc. may be used. The salt is rationally compounded and sprayed to improve the control effect and to treat other kinds of pests.

4. Maize stalk rot was selected for planting resistant varieties. The use of flurbizoie cream, difenoconazole, fludioxonil, tebuconazole and other seed dressing or coating can reduce the incidence, while controlling the head smut, and concurrent treatment of root rot.

5. The corn leaf spot diseases use disease-resistant varieties, reasonably dense planting, timely top-dressing and top-dressing to improve plant disease resistance; chemical control promotes appropriate early-use drugs, generally from the end of corn to the tasseling stage or to the initial stage of silking. Foliar can be sprayed with difenoconazole, diniconazole, triadimefon, mancozeb, thiophanate-methyl, carbendazim, pyraclostrobin and other agents, depending on the incidence of 7-10 days Spray 1 time, but the total number of times cannot exceed 2 times. According to the type of leaf spot disease choose drugs.

6. Maize Sheath Blight uses anti-resistant varieties. In the early stage of disease, Jinggangmycin, diniconazole, mancozeb, etc. may be sprayed on the stem base leaf sheath, or the basal leaf sheath may be peeled off to reduce the incidence. Application interval is 7-10 days.

7. Corn borers are applied at the early stage of their development and can be sprayed with imidacloprid, acetamiprid, and pymetrozine.

8. The corn leafhoppers promptly cleared weeds at the edge of the field and eliminated the early leafhopper habitat. When the leaf aphid occurs, avermectin, acetylene sulfate, pyridoxine, thiazolyl ketone, flufenoxuron, tetracycline, etc. can be used for spraying, and urea water, spreading agent, etc. can be added to restore the leaf. , improve the effectiveness of control. Focus on the control of the back of the middle and lower leaves of corn.

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