Pay attention to the control of late wheat powdery mildew

Wheat powdery mildew may occur during various growth periods of wheat and it mainly damages the leaves. The diseased part first appeared white moldy spots and gradually expanded into white moldy spots. When the disease became severe, the lesions were connected together. The lesion on the front of the blade is usually more than the back of the blade, and the lower blade is heavier than the upper blade. When the disease was most severe, the entire plant was covered with a mild layer of mold from bottom to top.

1. Incidence conditions: Appropriate temperature for the occurrence of wheat powdery mildew is 15-20°C. Slower than 10°C. Relative humidity greater than 70% may cause disease epidemics. In particular, in April when there is more rainfall, epidemic of wheat powdery mildew can easily occur. Recently, several consecutive precipitations in our county are extremely beneficial to the occurrence of powdery mildew. Several epidemic centers have been found in individual water-conserving fields. Spray three defenses" efforts to control the occurrence of powdery mildew.

2. Control measures: The prevention and treatment of wheat powdery mildew should adhere to the principle of "prevention first," and prevention should be carried out when no disease occurs, or the control effect of the use of drugs at the initial stage of disease is ideal. It can be combined with the control of wheat scab, ear blast, at the same time, per acre with 20% triadimefone EC 80 ml per acre or 12.5% ​​diniconazole WP 30 g, spray control 30 kg spray, spray attention to fight Through the lower leaves of the plant. Pay attention to water consumption is more critical, with the same dose, the same agent water consumption of not less than 30 kilograms, control effect is obvious, after a time of 7-10 days to spray again, in order to enhance the control effect.

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