6 kinds of tricks let you spend 1 minute to increase your life 20 years old

6 kinds of tricks let you spend 1 minute to increase your life 20 years old

If you don't have enough time as an excuse for not adopting healthier habits, you need to think carefully now: Here's a list of good habits that can help you increase your longevity and health, and that it takes only 60 seconds or Shorter time.

Get up every hour

A study recently published in the Journal of the American College of Cardiology found that people who sit for more than four hours a day outside of work compared to those who sit no more than two hours a day outside of work The risk of death due to various reasons increased by 50%. It is recommended that you stand for one minute each time you sit for an hour. So you need to walk about 10,000 steps a day.

Eat an egg

Egg nutrition stations are indeed good for the body: An egg can provide 13% of the protein needed daily, and only 4% of the recommended calorie intake per day. In addition, it contains a large amount of lutein, an antioxidant that protects the eyes from macular degeneration and UV damage. One egg per day may also help prevent Alzheimer's disease because egg yolk is an important source of vitamin B, which reduces inflammation in the brain.

Chromium intake

Studies have shown that this trace mineral helps maintain normal blood glucose levels by increasing the sensitivity of cells to insulin and helps the body fight Type 2 diabetes. This effect can be achieved by taking 200 micrograms of chromium nicotinate daily.

Don't forget to use dental floss

If you don't use dental floss for thorough cleaning, bacteria hidden between your teeth can cause gum infections and go into the bloodstream. Once in the bloodstream, they can cause arterial inflammation, leading to plaque deposits on the walls of blood vessels. Recent research has linked gingival disease to other problems, such as respiratory infections and neurodegeneration.

Check the pulse

Before getting up in the morning, place the index finger and middle finger on the wrist under the thumb and count the number of pulses in 30 seconds. Then multiply this number by two, which is the number of pulses in one minute. A study found that women who had a pulse rate of 90 beats per minute or higher had a three-fold increase in the risk of dying from heart disease compared to a normal pulse of 60 beats per minute. If your heart rate is high, you should consider adding more omega-3 fatty acids to your diet.

Self massage

Stress can cause damage to various organs in the body. As a quick remedy, you can put your thumb on the sides of the nose underneath your eyebrows, then massage your index finger and middle finger back and forth on your eyebrows, and finally massage your temples. Massage can promote the reduction of cortisol and adrenaline, and it will produce a good feeling of endorphins increased secretion.

Longevity is not a dream. Usually, these simple and useful health cares are noticed in life. In fact, they can live for many more years!

Laser Tape Measure

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Using a laser tape measure, one can measure short distance with stiff tape measure, while just put a single button to measure long distance up to 40m and the result will show on a small LCD screen.

No need to climb up and down, crawl on the floor, save your labor and time from now on! Laser tape measure, a simple device to change your life!

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