There are many types of root diseases that cause crop dead trees, such as Phytophthora root rot, Pythium root rot, Fusarium root rot, Bacterial wilt, Fusarium wilt, Verticillium wilt, etc. These diseases are mainly harmful to the main roots. Hazardous hairy roots, while others harm the stem base. In addition, most of the existing pesticides cannot be conducted from the top to the bottom. Therefore, how to accurately transport pesticides to the affected parts has great influence on the control of root diseases.
When root disease occurs, it is necessary to irritate the root cause. Diseases that occur at the base of the stem, such as Phytophthora root rot, Stem rot, etc., can be directly applied to the base of the stem. Diseases of the main and capillary roots are best. The roots should be split or administered directly to the root with an irrigation device. In order to achieve better results.
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