Above the panicle of the tomato, no leaves are left, which is unfavorable for the growth of the upper tomato fruit.
First, it is not conducive to fruit enlargement. The nutrients required for the expansion of tomato fruits rely mainly on the supply of the upper leaves closest to the fruit. If the leaves above the head of the tomato are removed, the lack of nutrients created by the leaves will not be sufficient for the growth of the top tomato, resulting in a small upper fruit and poor commercial quality. Second, it is easy to produce sunburn fruit. After the beginning of summer, the light intensity increases, if the upper part of the fruit is not covered by the leaves, the young fruit is exposed to the direct sunlight and is easily burned by strong light, resulting in daily burning fruit. Again, it is not conducive to the turning of fruits. When the fruit enters the color transformation phase, high temperature and strong light affect the formation of fruit lycopene, resulting in a large amount of green shoulder fruit.
The farmers are reminded to pick two or three leaves at the top of the top of the top of the ear to ensure the growth and development of the nutrient supply of the leaves. Green shoulder fruit.
Keywords---Fish Curd, Side Dish, Sauce, Pot, Boil
Fish Curd, Side Dish(Dried Day Lily, Rice Noodle), Tomato Sauce
1. Add 500ml of water along with tomato sauce pouch into a pot to boil.
2. Add the side dish into the pot and wait for 2-3 minutes
3. Add the fish curd into the boiling soup until they float(1-2minutes). Then pour the soup and the fish curd into a bowl before serving

Vegan Tofu Fish,Vegan Fish Tofu,Fried Fish Tofu Recipe,Food Fish Tofu
Guangzhou Luxe Seafood Enterprises Ltd. , https://www.seafoodluxe.com