The effect and function of Xianju Green

Health function

Anti-apoplexy effect

According to Dutch medical experts, green tea is rich in brass, which can reduce blood plate transition accumulation and prevent cerebral thrombosis. Those who consumed Changyin Green Tea had a 73% lower risk of developing stroke than those who did not drink.

Good for smokers

Studies abroad have shown that decaffeinated green tea can inhibit the carcinogenic effects caused by tobacco-specific carcinogens in vitro. In laboratory studies, decaffeinated green tea inhibits the oxidation of specific carcinogens and the methylation of deoxyribonucleic acids triggered by specific carcinogens. Treatment with green tea five years after the injection of specific carcinogens can still reduce the tumor's proliferation. Japanese people smoke almost twice as much as Americans, but the incidence of lung cancer is only 1/2 of Americans. . Some research and analysis believe that this result is related to the Japanese drinking green tea.

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