Poultry vaccination through those routes

1, intramuscular injection

The vaccine was diluted with physiological saline at a dose of 0.5-1 ml per bird and injected into the chicken leg, chest or wings muscles with an injection needle. The injection leg should be selected at the side of the leg where there is no blood vessels, and pierce along the direction of the leg bones to avoid stabbing blood vessels and nerves; the chest should be injected with the needle along the direction of the sternum, and the selected part should be pierced at an angle of 30 degrees to prevent vertical stab wounds. And viscera; chickens over 2 months of age can inject wing muscles and should be injected in areas where there are more muscles in the roots of the wings. This method is suitable for Newcastle disease I vaccines, oil seedlings and cholera attenuated vaccine or inactivated vaccine.

2, subcutaneous injection

Divide 1000 doses of the vaccine in 200 ml of special diluent. Inject 0.2 ml into the neck of the chicken. During the injection, pinch the skin to prevent injury to the blood vessels and nerves of the chicken neck. This method is suitable for chicken Marek vaccination.

3, eye drops

The 500 doses of the vaccine were diluted with 25 ml of sterile physiological saline and shaken. One drop (about 0.05 ml) of each of the vaccines was placed in the corns and nostrils with a standard pipette, and the vaccine was drawn from the chicken trachea into the lungs and into the eyes. This method is suitable for the Newcastle disease II, III, IV vaccines of chicks, and the inoculation of attenuated vaccines such as transmission and larynx. It makes the chicken inoculated evenly and has good immunity. It is the best method for attenuated vaccines.

4, drinking water immunization

3 hours before water immunization (2 hours in summer), stop the water in the chicken, wash the water dispenser repeatedly, and rinse it again with cold water to ensure that there is no residual disinfectant or foreign body. Divide 2 times the amount of vaccine used for chickens with cold boiled water. The amount of water is strictly controlled: 5 to 15 ml of chicken at 5 to 15 days of age, 10 to 20 ml of chicken at 16 to 30 days of age, and 30 to 60 days of age. 20 ~ 30 ml, according to the amount of water dilution vaccine, and add 0.1% skim milk powder in water, the vaccine should be finished within an hour, before half an hour before feeding, 24 hours can not drink potassium permanganate and other Disinfectant. This method is suitable for vaccination of Newcastle disease II, IV and bursal bursal disease vaccine.

5. Wing spearing method

Dilute 1000 doses of the vaccine with 25 ml of normal saline. Shake well. Use a stylus pen or inoculation needle to take the vaccine. Breed the inside of the chicken wings without blood vessels. In the 20th day of age, chicks will puncture a needle. 2 needles. However, it takes three days to inspect the site of stabbing. If a small lump or erythema appears, the vaccination is successful.

6, spray inoculation method

Before the spraying, the ventilation holes were closed, and 1000 doses of vaccine plus distilled water 150-300 ml were diluted, filtered with gauze, and sprayed with a sprayer (gun) in the chicken house of 500 chickens in the air. The spraying was even and the sprayer was 1.5 meters away from the chicken. After 20 minutes of spraying, the vents were opened and antibiotics were added to the feed after immunization to prevent airtight inflammation. This method is suitable for vaccination of Newcastle disease II, III, IV, and transmission.

7, hair follicle rubbing method

The 1000 doses of the vaccine were diluted with 30 ml of physiological saline and shaken. Several chicken leg feathers were pulled out. The vaccine was taken with a cotton ball and rubbed against the feather growth direction. After 3 days, the hair follicles were red and swollen.

8, brushing the anus

Add 1000 doses of vaccine to 30 ml saline, dilute the chicken, and pinch the abdomen to make the anus mucosa valgus. Use an inoculation brush or a cotton ball to brush the anus and make the mucous membrane red, for every 500 animals. Chicken for a brush. This method is mainly used for throat vaccination.

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