In the same variety, the breakage rate of the brown shell egg was slightly lower than that of the white shell egg, and the breakage rate of the powdered shell egg was the lowest.
As the age of the chicken increases, the egg weight also increases, but the shell becomes thinner. This is because the growth rate of the eggshell is not as fast as the content of the egg, and the damage rate of the egg is also increased.
When the temperature is higher than 31°C~32°C, the eggshell quality is reduced due to:
(1) High temperatures lead to a decrease in feed intake (calcium) in chickens. (2) The high temperature increases the respiration of the chicken and discharges a large amount of CO2, resulting in insufficient calcium carbonate as the main raw material of the eggshell.
1. Set egg problem: As the number of eggs is too few or the egg collection time is unreasonable, the eggs produced cannot be broken out and increase the breakage rate.
2. Vaccination: Vaccination during the laying of eggs, as the flock reacts to the vaccine, resulting in decreased egg production, reduced eggshell quality, and increased egg breaking rates.
Nutrition is mainly the effect of calcium, phosphorus and vitamin D3: the absorption of calcium and phosphorus all require vitamin D3, so VD3 deficiency affects the absorption of calcium and phosphorus, resulting in calcium and phosphorus deficiency; excessive phosphorus can also affect the absorption of calcium.
Manganese also has an effect on the strength of the eggshell, and its amount is insufficient to reduce the strength.
Epidemic chicken Newcastle disease, infectious bronchitis, mycoplasma, infectious laryngotracheitis, etc. will reduce the eggshell thickness, eggshell quality, egg breaking rate rose.
Illumination time is too long, and hen activity frequently affects the calcification process of egg shells, increasing the rate of broken eggs.
When the bottom slope of the caged cage was increased from 7 to 11 degrees, the broken egg rate increased, but when the slope was too small, the eggs were not easy to roll out, and the broken egg rate was often caused by the chicken being broken.
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