Anatomic Features of Digestive System in Meat Rabbits

(1) The special structure of the oral cavity The meat rabbit has a longitudinal crack in the middle of the upper lip of the rabbit, forming a cheeky lip and a three-lobe shape that exposes the incisors and facilitates the collection of relatively short plants on the ground and bites of twigs, barks and leaves. The teeth of adult rabbits and common herbivores have commonalities: they have well-developed incisors, which are convenient for cutting off feeds; the molars have a wide chewing surface with transverse muscles and are suitable for grinding grass material; there is a wide tooth gap between the incisors and molars, and there are no canines. Its uniqueness is that the upper jaw has two pairs of incisors, forming a special double-indented type, different from the single-toothed type of rodents, but its front teeth are also permanent teeth, so there are rodent rodent behavior. (2) The length of the small intestine and the large intestine of the extremely well-developed cecal rabbit is 10 times the length of the body, and the cecum is extremely developed. The cecum ratio of rabbits is the largest among all single stomach herbivores. The cecum resembles a natural fermentation bag, in which a large number of microorganisms and protozoa are bred and act as rumen of ruminants. For young rabbits within 1 month of age, the gastrointestinal tract is permeable to inflammation, and harmful substances in the digestive tract are easily absorbed. Therefore, young rabbits are susceptible to enteritis, and the symptoms are more severe than rabbits, and the mortality is higher. In feeding and management, attention should be paid to the occurrence of enteritis. (3) Abnormal "circle sac" There is a thick-walled round capsule called a round sac at the ileum and cecal junction. It has well-developed muscle tissue and communicates with the cecum. Its main function is to secrete alkaline liquids, neutralize organic acids in the cecum due to microbial fermentation, maintain proper acidity and alkalinity in the cecum, create a suitable living environment for microorganisms, and ensure the normal course of cecal digestion of crude fiber; The wall is thicker and has a pressing effect, which is helpful for the digestion of crude fiber. In addition, the round sac is a lymphatic balloon with a protective effect; it also has the function of absorbing the digestive end product. China Agricultural Network Editor