Bovine nose bleeding, the vet called snot. Due to the hot weather, excessive labor, resulting in exogenous heat evil, lung fire on the red, so that the nasal veins damaged and bleeding. In addition, nose and forehead are affected by external forces or collisions, and trauma caused by other causes, can also cause nosebleeds. The cause of hemorrhage is microvascular rupture. Generally, the amount of bleeding in cattle is not large. Nostrils are bleeding on multiple sides. No foam is contained. There are only a few large bubbles, no cough, and generally no symptoms of dyspnea. If the bleeding is excessive or over time, it may cause anemia, breathing, rapid pulse, or mild sweating, coarse back hair, pale mouth, reduced or reduced rumination, and severely affect the service. Treatment methods: (1) raise the head of the affected cow with high water and spill the forehead with cold water, and tap it gently to wet the skin to stop the bleeding; After that, remove the herbs and blood clots and wash the nose with alum. In order to consolidate the curative effect, at the same time, use 35 grams of alcohol Zhimu, wine Phellodendron coronariu, and chaffy root, 30 grams each of Jiaozizi, habitat, oriental arborvitae, and wolfberry, and each 25 grams of charred yellow and radix astragalus. Use fresh pine needles 1 kg water and 5 kg decoction. The effect is very good. (2) Drop 5 ml of 0.1% epinephrine or 6% ephedrine in the nostrils of the bleeding, or immerse 0.27% alum solution in the nostrils with gauze blocks. If ineffective, intravenous injection of 5% calcium chloride 100-300 ml, or 50 mg of collateral blood, or 2-4 g hemostatic. China Agricultural Network Editor
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