The body fat of rabbits is mainly converted from carbohydrates in feed to fatty acids and then synthesized. Fat is an indispensable ingredient in rabbit diets, especially the three essential fatty acids, linoleic acid, linolenic acid and peanut oleic acid. The rabbit body cannot be synthesized and must be supplied from feed fat. In the absence of essential fatty acids, poor growth and development, dry skin, hair loss, affecting reproduction and lactation occur. In 1980, a national rabbit nutritionist suggested that the fat content of rabbit diets: the growth of rabbits, pregnant rabbits was 3%, and the nursing mother rabbits were 5%. In addition, it is worth noting that animal fats should not be used as a source of dietary fat, as animal fats can lead to lack of energy in rabbits, increased carcass fat content, and reduced protein content. Therefore, it is advisable to add plant foods to diets. fat. China Agricultural Network Editor