Toxic ingredients in the feed of meat rabbits

Some meat rabbits contain some toxic components in their feeds. When the toxic components are below the critical level of poisoning, they will not cause adverse consequences. If it is higher than the critical level, it will endanger the health of the rabbits, and even cause poisoning and death. Therefore, it is necessary to understand the nature and content of toxic ingredients in feed. 1. Trypsin inhibitors These substances are polypeptides consisting of amino acid residues in the biochemical structure. They are not destroyed in the stomach. They enter into the small intestine and bind to trypsin to form complexes, inactivating trypsin, thus preventing the protein. Digestion. In addition, the complex is not decomposed in the small intestine and can be degraded by the microorganisms after entering the large intestine, or excreted by the feces, so that the rabbit body loses most of the protein. In common diets for meat rabbits, soybean trypsin inhibitors are particularly high (up to 10.7 μg/g). If meat rabbits are fed raw soybeans for a long time, compensatory swelling of the pancreas and protein indigestion can occur. High-temperature treatment can destroy trypsin inhibitors, such as trypsin inhibitor in hot pressed soybean cake can be reduced to 3.4 micrograms / gram, soybeans can be cooked to substantially eliminate the material. 2. To goitre substances Mustard pods in the feed or animal body mustard enzyme role, can prevent the thyroid gland to use the blood of iodide ions, so that synthesis of thyroid hormone blocked, causing goiter and metabolic disorders. Although rapeseed cake is rich in nutrients, its mustard meal content is as high as 10-13%, and the current treatment of detoxification methods is not effective and economical, so the useful value of rapeseed cake is not great. In addition, goslings such as cabbage and broccoli also contain goitrogenic substances, which should be given when feeding. China Agricultural Network Editor