Cross-breeding pigs Hybrid pigs grow fast, consume less material, and have high benefits. They are worth promoting. According to statistics, feeding a hybrid pig can increase daily gain by 30%, save feed by 40%, and reduce the incidence by 60% to 80%.
The timely mating of weaned piglets at 60 days of age can be early weaning to 40-45 days, which can promote the early estrus and early mating of sows, shorten the empty period, and relatively save the feed.
Castrated small boars aged 30 days and gilts 40 days of age were castrated. They were 15% heavier than the customary 60-day-old castrations, shortening the fattening period by about 20 days, and saving about 20% of feed.
Timely deworming pigs after anthelmintic appetite, eat much, grow faster, daily gain can be increased by 20% to 30%, saving more than 10% of feed.
The implementation of captive farming and farming in order to raise the captivity, the pig has a small amount of exercise, consumes less energy, and is easy to grow meat. It can save 8% to 10% of the material.
Protect and feed in the summer, put a awning in the piggery to prevent heatstroke and cool down, saving 0.6 kg of refined material per 1 kg of weight gain. Winter and spring seasons use the greenhouse to feed, provide suitable environmental conditions for the pig's growth and development, can avoid feed waste. According to the test, the temperature in the spring greenhouse was 6.36°C at 6 o'clock in the morning and 12°C at 14 o'clock in the spring, and 3.11°C and 9.37°C in the control group, and 6.08 kilograms of grain per head in the test group. According to another data, the heavy use of hay in the winter sheds can also reduce the energy consumption of the pigs. When the temperature is 3°C, the matgrass gains 90 grams per day compared to the non-straw mats, and every kilogram of gross weight added saves 0.6 kg of feed.
Changing cooked feeds to raw feeds The use of raw feeds to feed pigs not only facilitates feeding, saves time and effort, but also has good palatability, which is conducive to preserving nutrients and improving feed utilization, so as to achieve the purpose of saving materials.
Feeding batching, fine, coarse and green feeds are proportioned and matched in stages. Before the pigs weigh 50-60 kg, they mainly use high-energy, high-protein concentrates, supplemented with necessary feed additives; at 50-60 kg until slaughter , properly reduce the energy and protein levels in the concentrate, reduce the amount of concentrate input, increase the blue roughage. In this way, for every 1 kg of weight added, 3 kg of fine material can be saved.
Using Feed Additives In pig feeds, adding some minerals, trace elements, and vitamins as appropriate can promote growth and save feed. According to the experiment, 0.2% feed additive was added to the basal diet of pigs. The experimental group gained 12.38 kg more per head than the control group on average for 92 days, and consumed less than 0.91 kg per 1 kg of weight gain.
When the slaughter pigs were weighed between 20 and 90 kg, the daily weight gain increased linearly. After 100 kg, the growth rate was slow, and the daily weight gain gradually decreased. Therefore, it is better to slaughter the pigs when they are raised to about 90 kg.
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