Wheat scab is a typical climate disease. According to experience, under the premise of a certain amount of bacteria, the warm rainy days above 15°C can lead to the development of head blight in wheat during flowering and filling.
Wheat earing to milk ripening stage is the key period for wheat aphid (the dominant species is A. longicornis) that harms the wheat ear. Its occurrence in the wheat ear is closely related to the climatic conditions at the wheat heading date. The number of wheat ear blasts was significantly negatively correlated with the occurrence of wheat scab in the same year, that is, when the wheat panicle blast occurred, wheat scab was light. After understanding the negative correlation between them, we can predict the occurrence and degree of occurrence of wheat scab in each year based on the weather forecast for the year so as to facilitate rational drug use.
Bee Pollen comes from
nature, is the bee from the flowers (nectar plants and pollen plants)
flowers collected in the pollen grains, and joined the special glandular
secretions (nectar and saliva) mixed into an irregular Flat round shape. Bee
pollen has a unique natural health care and medical and cosmetic value,
is more and more people know, is a high-protein low-fat nutritional
health food, known as "all-round nutrition food" "concentrated natural
medicine library" "Oral cosmetics" and so on, is the treasure of human natural food.
We provide rape pollen, tea pollen, sunflower pollen and mixed pollen, they are all collected from our professional green beefarm base.
We have applied the certificate of ISO, HACCP and GMP, making sure the quality of bee products.Bee Pollen
Bee Pollen,Bulk Bee Pollen,Natural Bee Pollen,Mixed Bee Pollen
Easy Food (Jiaxing) Co., Ltd. , https://www.jxeasyfood.com