Bright colors, it is suitable for breeding in the mixed tank of ferocious fish. The grouper is a fierce predator and will swallow any fish it can swallow. You will also eat ornamental shrimp and other crustaceans. Unlike cannonball fish, the grouper swallows its prey entirely instead of eating it. They will not harass the fish they can't swallow, they can be mixed with other breeds of grouper, but they will fight with other star spots. Food includes a variety of marine fish, salmon, shellfish and shrimp. Need to provide some live food regularly, enough nutrition will maintain its color.
The East Star Spot has a small head, a lot of flesh, and a white color.
In wet dishes, East Star spots are often used as raw oysters. The skin of the eastern star spot was smooth, and the cooked fish skin cracked. It was quite attractive to see the white fish.
Since the Eastern Star Spot was listed as a protected fish, the government has severely banned people from catching the fish, so the Eastern Star Spot has become a rare species of fish.