The squid is also known as horse maggot (scientific name), bony fish, and carp. There are many species, common are "Chinese Sturgeon" Scomberomorussinensis, Blue Point Stables, Speckled Stables, Kang's Stables, etc., and the common name of the Stables are squid, squid, cricket, bamboo culm, pointed mag, blue Arrows and so on. Sharp teeth, rapid swimming, fierce temperament generally 0.26--0.52 meters long, up to 1 meter long, weighing 20 kilograms, located in the western North Pacific, China's Yellow Sea and Bohai Sea, is a warm upper fish, the middle and upper fish for Food, summer and autumn, group migration, part of the Olympian spawning, autumn and winter are often grouped in bait around the coastal islands and rocks, one of the northern economic fish.
1. The fish is delicate, delicious, nutritious, rich in protein, vitamin A, minerals (mainly calcium) and other nutrients.
2. Squid has qi and antitussive effects and it has a certain effect on weak cough and asthma
3. The squid also has therapeutic functions such as refreshing and anti-aging, and regular food will have certain auxiliary effects for the treatment of anemia, premature aging, malnutrition, post-partum frailty and neurasthenia.
According to this food analysis, the water content of carp fish is approximately 73% to 74% (direct dry method at 105°C for 5 hours of constant weight), the ash content is approximately 0.9%, and the total protein content (Kjeldahl) is approximately 22g. /100g.