Medicinal planting technology

First, the adaptability of the big leafhopper to the environment is very strong and can be cultivated in the north and south of China. The optimum temperature for growth is 15 to 25°C. In autumn and winter cultivation in South China, the temperature is above 25°C, and it grows poorly. It quickly defoliates until it begins to sprout again in the autumn. However, in North China, it can still grow in the high temperature and rainy season above 30°C in the summer, and it is also very hardy. After the branches and leaves fall in the late autumn and early winter, although the winter temperature sometimes falls below -10°C, it can still germinate in late spring. Grow. The wolfberry is also shade-tolerant and grows best in calcareous soil.
Second, the propagation method uses seeds, sticks, rods or roots to reproduce, and rod insertion is the easiest.
1. The cutting propagation in South China is conducted from August to September. The Yangtze River Valley and North China can intercept shoots in the fall and winter or sand to spring cuttings, or in March the old strains can intercept the cuttings and insert them directly into the field. Focus on the cuttings in the nursery, and then transplant the field after germination. The cuttings should be selected on the seedlings more stout branches, cut off the thin part of the top, from the top of the branches cut off, each section about 15 cm long, with three to five buds, the base oblique cut, and then cut the upper end of the incision In order not to fall back when planting, generally each mother branch can intercept four to five cuttings. Insert one end of the slanted mouth obliquely into the soil while cutting, and insert a depth of soil about 2/3 of the field plantings of the cuttings. Plant spacing is 12 cm 20 to 30 cm. After the cuttings, the soil moisture content is maintained. After the cuttings are exposed in the spring in the northern spring, they are preferably covered with plastic film. The new roots and new shoots are removed after they are grown. In northern China, it is also possible to use the protected land for planting in the winter and spring to promote the growth of shoots.
2. Dividing roots in the northern region of China. The seedlings that sprouted in the vicinity of the mother plant can be dug out in November or the middle of March of the following year. The seedlings are dug in the ditch and planted in the early April. 3 strains, spacing 40 cm 50 to 60 cm. After the planting, the soil will be practical and sufficient water will be poured.
3. Seed-breeding large leafhoppers rarely bloom in southern China and bloom in summer in North China. Seeds mature in autumn. After harvesting, the fruits are dried and stored in a cool and dry room. The fruits are chopped until mid-February the following year. , Wash the skin with water, select the seeds, add 2 times of fine sand, mix in the room, frequently turn and keep moist. The seedbeds are planted in late March and the seedbeds are selected for leeward sunny areas. The bed soil should be leveled and finely grounded, and combined with the ground, with 2.50% trichlorfon mix well and then spread into the soil to prevent and control underground pests.
Before planting, watering should be done first. When the moisture content is suitable, dig 2 to 3 cm deep in a vertical direction at a distance of 20 cm, and evenly spread the seeds mixed with fine sand into the ditch, covering the fine soil 1 to 1.50 cm. Then cover the film to keep it moisturized. About 7 to 10 days after emergence, the seedlings are removed and the coverings are removed afterwards. The seedlings are lightly applied and the seedlings are lightly applied. The seedlings were excavated, pre-implanted in Yangshuo, and planted in late spring before frost. It can also be covered with soil before winter and winter in open field.

Endotracheal tube

Endotracheal tubes are mostly made of PVC and are single-use. We provide various endotracheal tube with full sizes. Such as ETT-nasal preformed, ETT-oral preformed, ETT-with suction lumen, etc.


  • Balloon with intergral one-way valve.
  • Size of tube also clearly marked on the pilot balloon.
  • The cuff is optimally designed for routine intubation.
  • Endotracheal tube Murphy eye, High volume, Low pressure Cuff, ORAL/NASAL.
  • Balloon indicates intracuff pressure and is clearly marked with tube size for immediate identification


  • Uncuffed Endotracheal Tube Airways feature clear tubing with an x-ray opaque line.
  • Single-use only.
  • Small sizes available for pediatric use, Sterile.
  • Single use Cole Tube ET tube designed specifically for the pediatric patient.
  • Made of siliconized PVC plastic, the Cole Tube is the safe way to intubate the pediatric patient.
  • Sterile, 15cc (6 inches) long, with 15mm connector. Latex-free

If you are looking for endotracheal tube manufacturer, please send us an inquiry, we are glad to support you with our best price

Endotracheal Catheter,Tracheal Tube,ET Tube,Endotracheal Intubation,cuffed endotracheal tube

Hangzhou Trifanz Medical Device Co., Ltd ,