The efficacy and effects of plum

Produced Mei Huang Huang Mei Mei picking with awns, commonly known as Huang Mei. Huang Mei washed from the tree, washed, placed in a large tank with salt water soaked for more than a month, remove and dried; dried and then rinse with water, and then dried; then soaked with sugar, and then dried - ― Such repeated times can be described as “10 steaming and drying in the sun, plum blossom for several months”, and finally it becomes plump, sweet, and sour. Such plums can be kept for years without deterioration if they are well stored, moisture-proof and anti-mite.

Health benefits

Mei Ziyi, first of all has a wide range of uses in medicine. Huang Yao has this habit: When the headache, put the dried plum meat on the navel; put the plum juice into the bottle after cooking, once the stomach hurts, try something with chopsticks, it will stop pain. Some people still soaked Ome with white wine, sealed for a month later, it became a delicious plum wine. Usually drink a little plum wine, can cure rheumatism bone pain, twist contusion and lumbar muscle strain. Li Shizhen wrote in the "Compendium of Materia Medica": "Mei, the fruit of blood, stomach, lungs, warm spleen, blood circulation, swelling, detoxification, thirst, cure long-term sputum diarrhea ... ..."


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