1, pork and beef
"Eating is essential" pointed out: "Pork cannot be eaten with beef". This is mainly considered from the perspective of Chinese medicine. First, from the point of view of the medicinal properties of Chinese medicine, the pork is cold and slightly cold, while the beef is warm and scented. Both a warm and cold, a fill in the spleen and stomach, a cold and tired virtual person. There is resistance to taste, not the same food.
2, pork and sheep liver
Chinese medicine cloud: "A total of pork liver and food, it is boring." From the food drug theory, compatibility should not be.
If the goat's liver has a hernia, cooking with pork, it is easy to produce strange smells. From the cooking point of view, it is not appropriate.
3, pork and soybean
From a modern nutritional point of view, beans and pork are not suitable because the phytic acid content of the beans is high, and 60% to 80% of the phosphorus is in the form of phytic acid. It often forms complexes with protein and mineral elements, affecting the availability of the two, and reducing the efficiency of use; because the combination of beans and lean meat, fish and other minerals in foraging such as calcium, iron, zinc, etc. Can interfere with and reduce the body's absorption of these elements.
4. Pork and Pork
Xin Xin Wen, gas consumption sad. Pork is smoky and helps moist and oysters. A gas consumption, it does not help, so the two with food, damage to the body, also known as parsley, can go to smell, and lamb eat the same.
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