List of natural toxic foods
Many people think that poisonous plants are mostly unfamiliar wild plants. Actually, other common food crops, oil crops, vegetables, fruits, and other edible plants are also factors that may cause poisoning. Here are some common edible poisonous plants.
Green beans
If the green beans are not cooked, the saponin in the beans will strongly stimulate the digestive tract, and the beans contain prothrombin, which has a coagulation effect. In addition, green beans also contain nitrite and trypsin, which can stimulate the body's stomach, causing food poisoning and gastrointestinal symptoms. To prevent the poisoning of green beans, be sure to cook and cook the green beans.
broad bean
Vicia faba seeds contain nasoside glycosides, which can cause acute hemolytic anemia (faba bean yellow disease) after human consumption of this substance. When eating green beans in spring and summer, poisoning may occur if cooking is improper. And it usually occurs 4 to 24 hours after eating raw beans. In order to prevent the emergence of faba bean poisoning, it is best not to eat fresh tender beans, and must be cooked before eating.
Raw milk
Because raw soybeans also contain toxic ingredients, they can cause food poisoning if the soybean milk is consumed when it is not cooked. In particular, when soymilk is heated to about 80°C, saponin is thermally expanded and the foam floats, forming a "false boiling" phenomenon. In fact, the toxic components such as saponin present in soybean milk are not completely destroyed. That will cause poisoning, usually after consumption of 0.5 to 1 hour to the onset, mainly gastrointestinal symptoms. In order to prevent the poisoning of drinking raw soymilk, it is necessary to continue heating to 100°C after boiled soy milk. Cooked soy milk does not have foam, and the disappearing foam also indicates that the toxic components such as saponin are destroyed, and then cook on low heat for about 10 minutes, so that the purpose of safe consumption can be achieved.
Although the roots of cassava are rich in starch, all parts of the whole plant, including roots, stems and leaves, contain toxic substances, and the fresh roots are more toxic. Therefore, care must be taken when eating cassava roots. The toxic substance contained in cassava is linamarin, which can cause poisoning if raw or uncooked cassava is consumed or if it is consumed. The reason is that flavincilin or linaridinease is hydrolyzed by gastric acid to produce free hydrocyanic acid, which poisons the human body.
A person who consumes 150 to 300 grams of raw cassava can cause poisoning and even death. To prevent cassava poisoning, peel the cassava before eating, and soak the potatoes with fresh water to dissolve cyanine. About 70% of the cyanogenic glycosides can be removed after about 6 days of bubbling. After heating and boiling, they can be eaten.
Sprouting potato
Potato is one of the vegetables that are often eaten on the family table, but it contains the toxic ingredient solanine (potatotoxin, solanine). The whole potato contains this toxin, but the content of different parts is different, and the content of mature potato is less. Generally it does not cause poisoning, while the outer skin of potato shoots, flowers, leaves and tubers contains higher solanine, and the toxins in potato shoots are even tens to hundreds of times higher than the meat parts. Immature green potatoes or potato tubers with dark spots due to improper storage contain extremely high toxic substances.
To prevent potato poisoning, we can store the potatoes in a cool, dry place to prevent germination. When eating, if it is found that the germination or the skin is dark green, it is best not to eat.
Wild vegetables such as leeks and grey vegetables contain a large amount of nitrite. If the human body ingests excessive nitrite, normal human hemoglobin can be oxidized into methemoglobin, and in addition, nitrite can also prevent oxygenated hemoglobin from releasing oxygen, thereby causing hypoxia in the tissue and causing poisoning.
So, how can we prevent nitrite poisoning? In fact, it is very simple, we must allow the family to eat fresh vegetables, cooked vegetables should not be stored for a long time boring, pickled vegetables should be cleaned after a month after the edible.
Day lily, also known as day lily, is one of the favorite dishes. However, day lily contains colchicine. If the human body ingests colchicine, it will be oxidized in human tissues to form dihydrocolchicine. The second colchicine is a highly toxic substance that can harm the human gastrointestinal tract and urinary system and pose a serious threat to health. An adult can cause poisoning if he eats 50 to 100 grams of fresh daylily at one time.
To prevent fresh yellow cauliflower poisoning, fresh cauliflower can be boiled in boiling water for a while and then soaked in fresh water to remove most of the water-soluble colchicine. You can also cook and cook fresh lily dishes before cooking.
Cruciferous vegetables
Cruciferous vegetables, including rape, mustard, radish, etc., most of these vegetables contain glucosinolates, this glucosinolate is a toxin that can prevent human growth and goitre. Different vegetables, or different parts of the same vegetable contain different glucosinolate content. If not handled properly, it may cause people to have goiter, metabolic disorders, symptoms of poisoning, and even death.
So how do you deal with this kind of vegetables? When cooking such vegetables, boiled water can be used before serving.
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