Symptoms are distributed in various tea regions throughout the country, mainly affecting tea plants. More than 1-2 years old seedlings and cuttings of the roots of the emergence of seedlings, roots, lateral roots produce thin tumor-like objects, also known as insect thin. Large like soybeans, small like rapeseed, brown, rough surface, and some thin tumors together, little or no fibrous roots, root deformity. Cuttage seedlings were infected, the diseased roots were densely packed, the tissues were loose and easy to fold, the aboveground parts were thin, the leaves gradually turned yellow, and the severe fallen leaves caused the whole plant to die.
The pathogen Me10idogyne incognita Chitwood said that the southern root-knot nematode and M.arenaria Chitwood called peanut root knot nematodes, both plant parasitic nematodes. In the case of root-knot nematodes that injure tea plants, four species have been found in China, of which the above two are mainly.
Morphological characteristics can be found in peanut root knot nematode disease. In addition there are M. javanica Chitwood called Javanica root knot nematodes and M. thamesi Chitwood called Thames root knot nematodes.
The route of transmission and onset of disease are larvae in the soil or eggs and female adults in winter nodules. The temperature in Hunchun is higher than 10°C. The first-instar larvae are hatched in the egg shells as soon as the eggs are overwinter. When the molting skin enters the second age, it climbs out of the egg shells and spreads to the root tip of the young plants by the flow of water or agricultural implements. The needle punctures the root surface and cells and penetrates into the root from the root epidermis. At the same time, the secretion stimulant causes root cells to enlarge and form root knots. At this time, the molting of the 2nd instar larvae becomes 3rd instar larvae, and the skins become adult again. The female adults infested the roots in the insect slender, and the male adults entered the soil. Larvae often spread with seedlings for long-distance transmission. Soil temperature 25-30 °C, soil relative humidity of 40% to 70% for its growth and development, the completion of a generation takes about 25-30 days. Clay in production often suffers more than clay. More than three years of tea seedlings have entered the stage of disease resistance.
Control methods (1) Select a tea plantation that is not infected with the root-knot nematode disease. If necessary, plant the high-affinity nematode mung bean and green manure to determine the number of root-knot nematodes in soil. (2) Planting marigold, Guatemala grass, pig kidney beans, etc. between rows before planting tea trees or before sowing in nurseries. These plants can secrete substances that inhibit the growth and development of nematodes and reduce the number of field nematodes. (3) Seriously conduct phytosanitary inspections, select disease-free seedlings, and find diseased seedlings, and immediately dispose of or destroy them. (4) The nursery's soil is deep-frozen in the middle of summer. The nematodes in the soil are turned over to the surface of the soil for exposure. Some nematodes can be killed. If necessary, the mulch or plastic film can be laid on the surface to increase the soil temperature to above 45°C. better. (5) Chemical treatment Soil nursery use 3% carbofuran granules, 667m22-5kg, mix well with fine soil, apply in the ditch, compaction after the cover soil, valid for 1 year, but not allowed to use during the tea-picking period. In addition can also choose to use 98% a 100% cotton particles, with 667m2 with 5-6kg, applicator or ditch, depth of about 20cm, after the application of soil cover, interval 15 days after the loose soil deflated, and then planting tea.
Respiratory disease is a common disease, frequently-occurring disease, the main lesion in the trachea, bronchi, lung and chest, lesions are more cough, chest pain, respiratory effects, severe breathing difficulties, hypoxia, and even respiratory failure and death. Due to air pollution, smoking and other factors, The chronic obstructive pulmonary disease is increasing including chronic bronchitis, emphysema, pulmonary heart disease, bronchial asthma, lung cancer, pulmonary diffuse interstitial fibrosis, and pulmonary infection the morbidity and mortality of the disease at home and abroad . Therefore, Anti-Respiratory disease drugs are also more and more attention paid by researchers. Respiratory disease have the symptoms of cough, sputum, hemoptysis, chest pain, shortness of breath and other symptoms of lack of specificity, often clinicians mistaken by people for colds, bronchitis, and severe pneumonia, tuberculosis or lung cancer and other diseases delayed diagnosis; Respiratory tract infection, to be developed to emphysema, pulmonary heart disease, respiratory failure was taken seriously, but it was too late, its pathology and physiological function has been difficult to reverse. As with other systemic diseases, careful and detailed medical history and physical examination are the basis for the diagnosis of respiratory diseases, and should be combined with routine laboratory tests and other special findings to conduct a comprehensive and comprehensive analysis. Currently the most clinical application of anti-respiratory disease drugs have the following four categories: 1. Antihistamines 2. Cough medicine 3. Bronchodilator 4. Expectorant 5. Anti-asthma Drugs.
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