Symptoms are also known as white cane disease. Guangdong, Fujian, and Taiwan all happened. It is a systemic disease. There are two types of chronic type and acute type. The chronic type mainly damages the leaves and produces white to creamy 1–2 cm long stripes on the leaves, varying in size and number. Some extend downward to the leaf sheath and appear purple. When the weather is dry, the diseased leaves gradually dry from the tips of the leaves to the leaf margins until the whole leaves wither. The internodes of the diseased plants became shorter, the leaves were punished shortly and straightly, the lateral branches and minute branches of the stems grew, and the white leaves were also found on the leaves of the tillers. Longitudinally at the base of the stem, the vascular bundle turns red. The acute type or whole plant withered or the entire field withered and withered and withered. When the sugarcane was suddenly exposed to drought during the growing season, it was prone to acute type lesions, just as unintentionally cutting off the root system. When these victim stalks are delivered again, they show chronic illnesses.
The pathogen Xanthomonas albilineans (Ashby) Dowson called Xanthomonas albopictus, a bacterium. Rod-shaped, polar single flagellum, size 0.6-1.00.2-0.3 (μm) Gram stain negative, can not grow on the NA medium. On the SPA medium colonies are small, grow slowly, shiny, transparent, Honey yellow, can not be liquefied gelatin, starch is not hydrolyzed. No growth occurred on the medium of ammonia, nitrate, asparagine as a nitrogen source. The optimum temperature for the growth of the bacteria is 25-28°C and the highest temperature is 37°C. In addition to invading sugar cane, the bacteria can also infect corn and imperata.
Transmission routes and disease conditions Cane seedlings cause the onset of non-season cane seedlings, and the field can be infected when the diseased stem is directly on the cut-off cane stems through a cane knife. Humidity of the soil or excessive rainfall is conducive to the invasion and onset of germs, and only when the weather is dry or when there is no fertilizer or when it is near flowering, a large number of symptoms occur.
Control methods (1) Selection of disease-free cane varieties. (2) Apply sufficient basal fertilizer in the sugarcane field, timely fertilizer application, and scientific irrigation and drainage can reduce the occurrence of the disease. (3) plant disease-free seedlings, if necessary, the seedlings are treated with hot water at 50°C for 2 to 3 hours, and continuous 2 to 3 generations are effective control measures.
Royal Jelly is also called Bee Milk. The fresh royal jelly is slightly ropy milk paste substance; it is the excretive mixture of nutrition gland and maxilla gland of the head of little worker bee. The worker bees use this to feed the 1-3 days` worker bee larva and drone larva, 1-5.5 days` queen bee larva and queen bee in the oviposition period. The royal jelly is the biologic product containing very complicated active elements which contains almost all the nutrition elements required by the growth of the human body.
Royal Jelly
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Easy Food (Jiaxing) Co., Ltd. ,