Scientific name Reineckea carnea
English name Pink Reineckia
Alias ​​Song Shoulan, lobular evergreen
Morphological characteristics
Evergreen is evergreen, with stolons. Leaves lanceolate, apex acuminate. Spikes. Berries red.
Variants of silver rim (variegata): white or white fringe.
It originates in the provinces south of the Yangtze River basin and southwest China. Japan also has distribution.
Hi warm, moist, semi-yin environment, the soil is not strict, well-drained fertile loam is appropriate.
Main points of breeding
It usually reproduces in early spring before budding. Although it can be seeded, it is rarely used. Extensive cultivation management.
A brief history of cultivation and flower culture
Long-established flowers for China. Take the foliage as the main purpose. Clearly, the "glasses" in its shape, habits, cultivation and appreciation are more meticulous to describe: "Auspicious grass, bushes fear the day, leaves like blue and soft short, four green and not withered, summer open flowers, white and purple into the outside Spike, knot small red child, but the flower is not easy to send, open the main joy, where the weather is too much seed species live, either in water or soil or on the stone can be planted, the most thermophilic temperature, get water that is raw, with solitary stone Ganoderma lucidum, Clearance for the first.†Warm land can be planted as a ground cover plant, cold land can be potted. The elegant shape of the plant, green eyesight, and often take its auspicious meaning, put in the hall, the study, can also be used for several cases in the conference room.
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