Yak's temperament is of a strong and unbalanced type. It is crude, wild, timid, and frightened, but it has strong gregariousness. Conditioned reflexes established through training do not disappear easily and are more able to obey commands. Therefore, large groups of yaks grazing, generally only a grazing staff, not easy to lose. According to the frightening nature of the yak, after the yak herd enters the grazing land, the grazing staff should not follow the yak herd, so that the yak will not walk around and not feed quietly. To prevent cows from crossing the border and attacking the wolf, grazing staff can choose to have a certain distance from the yak herds and can guard the whole group's highlands. T look.
The method of controlling the yak herd to obey the command is that the grazing staff use specific calls and passwords, accompanied by throwing out small stones. The use of small stones to attack outlying yaks generally uses freehand throwing, throwing distances as far as tens of meters. Distance grazing can also be used to throw whip. The landing of the stones and the "click" sounds they fly in the air and the whipping of the grazing whip are all warnings and signals to the yaks. The yak will determine the direction in which it should go based on the location of the stones and the source of the sound. Grazing crews use grazing whips to drive yaks forward, gather, or spread. Walking away from the herd, the yak hears the voice of the whip and the flying stone, as well as the rockfall point, and will quickly gregarious.
The grazing schedule of the yak herd differs depending on the type and season of the yaks. The general principle is: "Summer and autumn are early and return to late, and winter and spring are late for early return" to facilitate the intake of food, grab food, and provide products.
(1) Grazing in summer and autumn The main task of grazing in summer and autumn is to increase milk production, do a good job of catching and breeding, so that the yaks that are slaughtered in the year are slaughtered before winter, and other cattle lay the foundation for winter and spring. After entering the summer and autumn, the yak herding group will strive to leave for the winter and spring pastures. When shifting to the summer and autumn pastures, it is advisable that the herd travel 10 to 15 kilometers per day, and go to the destination while grazing.
In the summer and autumn, early grazing and late grazing are required to extend grazing time and allow yaks to eat more food. When the weather is hot, at noon, the yak ruminates and lies in a cool place. After grazing, the grazing area is gradually grazing from the low to the cool, cool mountains; pastures with poor quality or poor palatability are gradually grazing pastures of good pasture quality; the yak can be fed again on pastures grazing the first day. Yaks are hungry for fresh pastures. If they choose to forage pastures poorly, they can eat pastures with poor palatability and reduce the waste of pasture. When grazing pastures with good pasture quality, it is necessary to control the herds so that the yaks can feed into the crossbreds to ensure that each cow can feed fully and avoid running around and trampling grass or eating inequality to cause waste.
Grazing in summer and autumn According to the planned pasture or rotational grazing plan, the grazing land should be replaced and moved in a timely manner so that the cow dung can be evenly distributed on the grazing land, while at the same time reducing the trampling of pastures, especially pastures around the enclosure. This will improve the state of the vegetation and will increase grass production and reduce parasitic infections.
When the settlement is more than 2 kilometers away from the ranch, it should be relocated to reduce the time of daily grazing, the return of pastures and the consumption of yaks. The yak with licking milk will be relocated once in 10 days, and the grazing land will be replaced in 3 to 5 days. Grazing should be done according to the grazing plan of the grazing land instead of grazing or grabbing the grazing grass so as not to drive the herds every day to run for good grass, which will cause adverse effects on the health of yaks and pastures.
(2) Grazing in winter and spring The main task of grazing in winter and spring is to protect and protect the fetus. To prevent the lack of yak, so that the cattle safely winter over the spring, the pregnant yak safe breeding, increase the survival rate of yaks.
In winter and spring, grazing should be done late and return to animal husbandry to make full use of noon grazing and drinking. In sunny days, hillsides and cloudy mountains are farther away; winds and snows are closer to animal husbandry, and places that are sheltered from the wind are the depressions or mountains. Grazing cattle heading in the direction of the wind. Pregnant female yaks avoid grazing on ice-tank and should not drink water in the morning and on an empty stomach. The yaks that have just entered the winter and spring pastures are generally strong and fertile. They should try to choose grazing in remote pastoral areas, high mountains and sloping land without snow, and postpone grazing in winter and spring pastures near the settlement. There are many wind and snow in winter and spring. Attention should be paid to weather forecast and timely return to animal husbandry.
When grazing pastures with uneven or poor quality of pasture, we must adopt a method of grazing so that the cattle are relatively free to feed freely on the grazing land, so that the cattle can feed on each cow in a larger area. More pasture. Winter and spring are the weakest times for yaks in the year. In addition to group grazing, conditional areas should also be supplemented. In particular, severe winds and snowstorms, severe cooling, cold damage caused by the lack of weak cattle, generally should stop grazing, feeding in the shed, so that the cattle safely through the winter.
The method of controlling the yak herd to obey the command is that the grazing staff use specific calls and passwords, accompanied by throwing out small stones. The use of small stones to attack outlying yaks generally uses freehand throwing, throwing distances as far as tens of meters. Distance grazing can also be used to throw whip. The landing of the stones and the "click" sounds they fly in the air and the whipping of the grazing whip are all warnings and signals to the yaks. The yak will determine the direction in which it should go based on the location of the stones and the source of the sound. Grazing crews use grazing whips to drive yaks forward, gather, or spread. Walking away from the herd, the yak hears the voice of the whip and the flying stone, as well as the rockfall point, and will quickly gregarious.
The grazing schedule of the yak herd differs depending on the type and season of the yaks. The general principle is: "Summer and autumn are early and return to late, and winter and spring are late for early return" to facilitate the intake of food, grab food, and provide products.
(1) Grazing in summer and autumn The main task of grazing in summer and autumn is to increase milk production, do a good job of catching and breeding, so that the yaks that are slaughtered in the year are slaughtered before winter, and other cattle lay the foundation for winter and spring. After entering the summer and autumn, the yak herding group will strive to leave for the winter and spring pastures. When shifting to the summer and autumn pastures, it is advisable that the herd travel 10 to 15 kilometers per day, and go to the destination while grazing.
In the summer and autumn, early grazing and late grazing are required to extend grazing time and allow yaks to eat more food. When the weather is hot, at noon, the yak ruminates and lies in a cool place. After grazing, the grazing area is gradually grazing from the low to the cool, cool mountains; pastures with poor quality or poor palatability are gradually grazing pastures of good pasture quality; the yak can be fed again on pastures grazing the first day. Yaks are hungry for fresh pastures. If they choose to forage pastures poorly, they can eat pastures with poor palatability and reduce the waste of pasture. When grazing pastures with good pasture quality, it is necessary to control the herds so that the yaks can feed into the crossbreds to ensure that each cow can feed fully and avoid running around and trampling grass or eating inequality to cause waste.
Grazing in summer and autumn According to the planned pasture or rotational grazing plan, the grazing land should be replaced and moved in a timely manner so that the cow dung can be evenly distributed on the grazing land, while at the same time reducing the trampling of pastures, especially pastures around the enclosure. This will improve the state of the vegetation and will increase grass production and reduce parasitic infections.
When the settlement is more than 2 kilometers away from the ranch, it should be relocated to reduce the time of daily grazing, the return of pastures and the consumption of yaks. The yak with licking milk will be relocated once in 10 days, and the grazing land will be replaced in 3 to 5 days. Grazing should be done according to the grazing plan of the grazing land instead of grazing or grabbing the grazing grass so as not to drive the herds every day to run for good grass, which will cause adverse effects on the health of yaks and pastures.
(2) Grazing in winter and spring The main task of grazing in winter and spring is to protect and protect the fetus. To prevent the lack of yak, so that the cattle safely winter over the spring, the pregnant yak safe breeding, increase the survival rate of yaks.
In winter and spring, grazing should be done late and return to animal husbandry to make full use of noon grazing and drinking. In sunny days, hillsides and cloudy mountains are farther away; winds and snows are closer to animal husbandry, and places that are sheltered from the wind are the depressions or mountains. Grazing cattle heading in the direction of the wind. Pregnant female yaks avoid grazing on ice-tank and should not drink water in the morning and on an empty stomach. The yaks that have just entered the winter and spring pastures are generally strong and fertile. They should try to choose grazing in remote pastoral areas, high mountains and sloping land without snow, and postpone grazing in winter and spring pastures near the settlement. There are many wind and snow in winter and spring. Attention should be paid to weather forecast and timely return to animal husbandry.
When grazing pastures with uneven or poor quality of pasture, we must adopt a method of grazing so that the cattle are relatively free to feed freely on the grazing land, so that the cattle can feed on each cow in a larger area. More pasture. Winter and spring are the weakest times for yaks in the year. In addition to group grazing, conditional areas should also be supplemented. In particular, severe winds and snowstorms, severe cooling, cold damage caused by the lack of weak cattle, generally should stop grazing, feeding in the shed, so that the cattle safely through the winter.
Medical Ward Nursing System
Eter Ward Information System is an indispensable important part in hospital digitization construction, which not only provides the powerful communication among doctors, nurses and patients, but also creatively offers the new functions of voice reminding, information issuing, information collection, information process, and etc. This system has truly achieved a leap of nursing quality besides the greatly decreased of the work intensity of nursing staff.
Features of Ward Nursing System:
1. Act as management center that can be linked to PC with WNS software suitable for hospital, where internal communication is needed and is easy to be operated.
2. The Master Host can support 200 extensions (Included bed extension, door extension, bathroom extension); WNS software can record and check patient information.
3.Nurse Extension can broadcast for ward area.
4.Smart Handle have LED night light.
5.Bath Extension can receive the signals of nurse arriving and ward inspection.
6. Door Extension equipped with multicolour door lamp, can indicate different situation by different colour.
ETR ward nursing system is composed of the integrated host (including operating software), management host, bed extension, smart handle extension, nurse extension, door extension, mobile extension, extra bed extension, bathroom extension, connection extension, corridor display and various extended control devices.
Features of Ward Nursing System:
1. Act as management center that can be linked to PC with WNS software suitable for hospital, where internal communication is needed and is easy to be operated.
2. The Master Host can support 200 extensions (Included bed extension, door extension, bathroom extension); WNS software can record and check patient information.
3.Nurse Extension can broadcast for ward area.
4.Smart Handle have LED night light.
5.Bath Extension can receive the signals of nurse arriving and ward inspection.
6. Door Extension equipped with multicolour door lamp, can indicate different situation by different colour.
ETR ward nursing system is composed of the integrated host (including operating software), management host, bed extension, smart handle extension, nurse extension, door extension, mobile extension, extra bed extension, bathroom extension, connection extension, corridor display and various extended control devices.
Ward Nursing System
Ward Nursing System,Ward Nurse Call System,Urgent Nurse Call System,Nurse Call Systems
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