Several cheap rabbit feed

Feed and nutrient slag slag grains are mostly by-products of grain processing, such as vinegar grains, beer grains and so on. Its nutrient-rich, can be used instead of bran in rabbit feed. The protein content of vinegar grains is comparable to corn and contains acetic acid, which can prevent gastrointestinal diseases. Sauce residue is a by-product of stuffed soy sauce. The content of protein and other nutrients is not lower than bran, but it contains more salt and should be protected against salt poisoning. Sweet potato residue is a by-product of processed starch. After drying, it can be fed to rabbits, but it should not be excessive. It should not be fed with mildewed sweet potato slag, otherwise it may easily lead to rabbit diarrhea. Tofu should be cooked and fed to rabbits. Feeding rabbits with slag can be fed fresh, or the slag can be dried, crushed and fed. The amount of fresh feed should account for about 40% of the feed, and dry feed should account for about 20%. Crop stems and leaves of soybean leaves and peanut meal can be directly used to feed rabbits, but also dried, crushed and then fed, the amount of feed to account for 30% -40% of feed is appropriate. Wheat straw, dried straw and corn stalks can be directly fed to rabbits, but should be fed with the fine material. The dosage should be controlled below 20% of the total material, but it should be noted that the stems and leaves of the crop after spraying cannot be used to feed rabbits within 7 days. Leaves of eucalyptus leaves, poplar leaves, and mulberry leaves, sun dried and crushed, can replace 50% of alfalfa meal fed rabbits. Fresh birch leaves, eucalyptus leaves, eucalyptus leaves and other juices are more delicious, rich in trace elements, rabbits are also easy to digest, and are conducive to lactating female rabbits. The apple leaves are also very good rabbit feed, but care should be taken not to collect the leaves to feed the rabbits within 10 days after spraying. In addition, Bai Ye, pine leaves and other dried, crushed can be used to feed rabbits, feeding 20-30 grams per rabbit per day. Weedy plantains, leeks, and wild leeks are good green fodder for rabbits. They can be fed either alone or in combination with concentrates. Artemisia halodendron, Artemisia annua, Toona sinensis, etc. are rich in protein and fat, and they can stomach. Prunella, purslane, Houttuynia, dandelion, Bupleurum, etc. also have the effect of preventing and curing diseases. Cakes like cottonseed cakes, rapeseed cakes, flax cakes, soya cakes, etc. can be fed to rabbits. Among them, soybean cakes are the most nutritious, but they are generally not used to feed rabbits. They must be cooked or fried and then fed. . Chicken manure shall first dry the chicken manure to 80% dry, seal and ferment for 2-3 days after crushing, and then dry it, crush it and store it for later use. When feeding rabbits, add about 15% to the feed.

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