Soil secondary salinization problem solution

Some old vegetable production areas, the proportion of organic matter decreased, some of the ion concentration is high, due to the interaction between ions, making the root system of some growth necessary ions difficult to absorb, resulting in secondary salinization of the soil, the main solution to the problem approach: 1. To remove salt by water: The buried pipe is mainly buried in dilute water and buried in open trenches. With the method of washing the salt vertically, the brine that has been washed out passes through the salt water pipeline or is discharged for centralized treatment. 2. Biological demineralization: The use of leisure or rotation, cultivation of fast-absorbing salt crops, such as: Sudan grass, corn and so on. 3. Rotation: A rotation of paddy fields and vegetable fields. 4. The application of organic fertilizer: some rice husk, wheat straw, wood chips and other high carbon content agricultural and sideline products can be applied to the soil. 5. Tillage measures: deep plowing can be done to allow moderate mixing of topsoil and deep soil so that the concentration of ions in the soil in the plough layer is appropriately reduced.


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