First, the symptoms identify the main damage cucumber, tomato, leeks, eggplant, beans and other vegetable crops of melon, fruit and leaves. Petal damage is easy to wither and rot, and then it spreads to young larvae and young fruit. The flower pedicles are immersed in water and softened, and the surface has a brown-brown mildew layer. Tomato disease skin gray, soft rot, the Minister of the disease a lot of gray green mold layer; leaf lesions form large patches, brown brown layer of mold. After dehydration, the fruit became rigid; leaf lesions developed "V" inwards, and there were shades and shades on the surface. Botrytis was found on the surface. The initial disease of amaranth leaves produces white or gray-brown spots, and later develops into spindle or oval lesions. When the lesions are wet, they have moldy layers. In severe cases, the diseased spots are contiguous, resulting in leaf blight and grayish green or grayish brown. Mold layer. Second, prevention and control technology 1. Agricultural control: to strengthen ventilation management, try to maintain a high temperature in the morning, the appropriate lengthening of the afternoon release time, reduce the humidity within the greenhouse. Timely treatment of diseased leaves and diseased fruits will bring the diseased bodies out of the area to be burnt out to prevent the spread of pathogenic spores in the shed. 2. Chemical control: Start the medication when a central disease occurs, and spray it on a sunny day. Commonly used agents are 50% fast-king 1500 times, or 70% gram mild 1000 times, or 70% thiophanate-methyl 1000 times, spray once every 7-10 days, continuous 2-3 times. Use smoke agent on rainy days and after watering, choose 10% Procymidone 200-250 grams per mu, or 10% Quick Keling smoke agent 200-250 grams per mu. Dust agent selection 6.5% for 1 kg per ton. (Taiyuan Plant Protection and Quarantine Station)
Metallurgical Microscope
Metallurgical Microscope,Laboratory Microscope,Upright Metallurgical Microscope,Upright Laboratory Microscope