Technical Measures to Reduce the Fallout of Cotton Buds

The shedding of boll bells is a living habit during the cotton growth process. Generally, the abscission rate of the cotton field is between 50 and 70%, which is one of the important constraints to seize the high yield and stable yield of cotton. A large number of scientific experiments have shown that it is affected by the natural light, hot water and gas fertilizers, and there are great differences in the shedding rate during the year. Therefore, scientifically regulating the conditions of light-hot water and gas fertilizer in cotton fields can effectively reduce the shedding of cotton buds and achieve the purpose of high-yield and stable cotton production. The specific measures are as follows: First, rational close planting, and optimizing the rational structure of the population, can create a reasonable cotton population structure, maximize the use of light water gas fertilizer resources, promote the robust growth of cotton, and make more bells and knot large bells. If the density is too large, the field will be closed, the middle and lower fruit branches will not receive sufficient light, the synthesis of organic matter will be hindered, the proportion of reproductive growth and nutrient growth of the cotton plant will be imbalanced, and it will easily cause a large number of shedding of the bells, resulting in a serious reduction in yield; and the density is too small. The decline of the group's production capacity will result in the waste of light and heat resources and will not achieve the goal of high output and stable production. Therefore, in the cultivation of cotton, it must be based on the local natural ecological conditions, soil fertility and the characteristics of the species characteristics, close planting in order to obtain the highest number of bolls in the field. In the cotton area of ​​the Yellow River Basin, cotton-mushrooming should be conducted in principle on dry and thin ground, with 3,000 to 3,500 plants per acre: high-fertilizer plants should be diluted to 2,500 to 3,000 plants per acre; in the morning and evening of planting time, summer sowing cotton should be dense and spring sowing Should be thin; by plant type: compact cotton should be dense, loose type should be thin; in short, we must strictly in accordance with the characteristics of different varieties and cultivation techniques to explain planting, to ensure that the cotton field to get a reasonable group structure, improve ventilation and light conditions, Relieve the shedding of bells. Second, the re-application of flower bell fertilizer, Pu Shi cover top fertilizer into the bud period, the need for fertilizer gradually increased, flower and boll period is the life of the most fertilizer needs, so the application of flower and bell fertilizer is the key to seize the high yield of cotton. On the basis of applying basal fertilizer, flower and bell fertilizer should be applied in two separate stages. For the first time in the early flowering stage, urea should be applied at a rate of 5 to 10 kilograms, and during the second flowering stage, about 15 kilograms of urea should be applied. The topdressing of potash fertilizers can also be followed by special cotton fertilizers to meet the needs of cotton plants for various nutrients and to reduce the shedding of beetles. Before the topping of the Pu Shi cover top fertilizer, mainly to prevent premature aging of cotton, increase autumn peach top, generally about 6 kg of urea urea, if the late growth of cotton has the phenomenon of premature aging of fertilizer, but also for extra-root fertilizer. Third, timely topping the side of the heart to wipe the bud timely budding, picking the side of the heart, wiping buds can effectively prevent the growth of no effective branches and buds, regulate the distribution of substances within the cotton plant, reduce the fall of the bell. In the Yellow River Basin, the topping should be carried out around July 20th. Picking up the heart should be carried out after August 15th. After the topping, the axillary buds should be wiped off in time, and the yellow and old leaves in the lower part of the cotton plants should be removed to improve the ventilation and light transmission conditions of the cotton fields so that the nutrient concentrates to supply the growth of the buds. Fourth, scientific control, shaping the ideal plant type According to the growth of cotton, scientifically implement the chemical control, and correctly regulate the relationship between reproductive growth and nutritional growth, is to ensure the healthy growth of cotton plants, to achieve more bells, Chengda bell, high yield Stable production of important technical measures. The implementation of chemical control must be done by watching the sky, seeing the land, and seeing the scientific application of the seedlings. That is, the buds should be light, the flowering period should be heavy, the plant type should be light, the madness should be heavy, the weather should be light, and the rain should be heavy. Have mastered the principle of a small number of chemical control. During the entire growth period of cotton, it is generally appropriate to carry out four times of chemical control. During the budding period, 1.5 grams of ammonium per acre is used to prevent madness; in the first flowering period, 2 grams per acre is used to prevent intensive growth; the flowering period is used per acre. Ammonium 2 to 3 g inhibits the internode elongation; after 5 to 7 days of topping, the mu 3 g of ammonium condensation seals the heart and promotes the transport of photosynthetic products to the reproductive organs, which can effectively prevent the growth of the cotton plant. Ideal plant type to cultivate high light efficiency groups and reduce the shedding of beetles. V. Timely drought-restraining cotton is a straight-rooted crop. Under normal weather conditions, watering is generally not required. However, in the event of drought or no leaf wilting at noon, it should be watered in time to ensure the normal growth of cotton plants. The flowering and bolling period is the peak period of cotton water demand, and it also happens to enter the summer rainy season. The rainfall is high, the temperature is high, and the humidity is high, which is also the period when the cotton buddle bell falls off the most. Therefore, it is necessary to strengthen field management, timely dig trench drainage, and prevent the shedding of bells. VI. Timely Prevention and Control of Plant Diseases and Insect Pests When cotton enters the flowering and boll stage, it is the mixed hazard period of various diseases and insect pests. It is necessary to strengthen monitoring, prevent and control in time, reduce hazards, and reduce the shedding of boll bells. At the same time, attention should be paid to spraying in the afternoon to prevent pollination in the morning due to the treatment of water, resulting in pollen rupture and abortion and affect normal pollination. VII. Advocate spraying of hormones Baohua Bao Lei Gibson is a highly efficient plant growth stimulant. It can increase the volume of plant cells and regulate the transport and distribution of nutrients in plants. Spraying gibberellin on cotton can cause more organic nutrients to be sent to the buds, which can reduce shedding and increase the rate of ringing. If you mix with Chlormequat, the bell effect is better. The specific usage is: during the flowering period, use a mixture of 40% of gibberellic acid soluble granules 60000 times liquid and 50% of CCC liquid 30000 times liquid, spray once every 7 days, and spray 3~5 times Each time, about 50 kilograms of water is sprayed per mu.

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