How to maintain the root system of over-summer vegetables

The well-developed root group and the strong root system are the guarantee for the disease resistance and stress resistance of vegetables, and also the basis for the stable and high yield of over-summer vegetables. However, in actual production, a series of problems such as shallow roots, weak roots, damaged roots, and rotten roots are often caused by environmental conditions, soil conditions, watering and fertilization, etc., which limits the growth of over-summer vegetables.

The cultivation method should be reasonable

There are two types of planting vegetables: ridge planting and flat planting. The ridge planting method can be used in sheds with high groundwater level, heavy soil, and many soil-borne diseases. Flat shed cultivation can be adopted in the sheds with few of the above conditions.

Over-summer vegetables are not recommended for colonization to the bottom of the ditch or too deep. Take the over-summer tomato as an example, it is best to use flat border cultivation, which is conducive to watering, will not cause soil drought, the root system is in a state of water shortage, and will not cause excessive ground temperature and affect root growth.

Shorten the seedling stage and promote rooting

When planting, vegetable farmers can use the anti-bacterial 968 dipping roots dipping roots, each bag of 200 grams with 15 kg of water, dipping 1200 ~ 1600 plants, disease prevention and root promotion. After the seedlings are planted, the planting water should be poured thoroughly. After the planting water and the slow seedling water are poured, the water should be properly controlled to promote root rooting. When watering, fertilizers such as biological bacteria, chitin, alginic acid, etc. can be applied to maintain root Root protection.

In the early management of vegetables, hoe should be taken as an important management measure. Generally speaking, after slowing the seedlings to the results, at least 2 hoeings are required. If the soil is heavy and sticky, the number of hoeing is more.

Rooting fertilizer

Root conservation is a systematic project, and attention should be paid to root conservation after planting vegetables. In the summer, many vegetable farmers no longer use rooting agents. In fact, rooting agents are also needed during the hot summer season.

Rooting of vegetables is slow after planting. Proper use of rooting agents to assist rooting can promote the rapid slowing of vegetables. When choosing a rooting agent, non-hormonal rooting agents of chitin, amino acids and alginic acid can be selected, which can not only play a role in conserving soil and root system, but also balance plant growth.

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