When the ewes are giving birth, what kind of lambs should the farmer do for the delivery?

During the ewe's pregnancy, in addition to doing good daily feed management, the farmer needs to do the corresponding lamb production. It is necessary to know that there are some safety problems in the production process of the ewes. If one does not pay attention, it will lead to the death of the ewes or the unborn lambs. Therefore, today’s Xiaobian says that the rams need to do the lambs during the delivery of the ewes. details as follows.


1. Before the ewes are in labor, there may be inconveniences such as mobility. At this time, the farmers need to be carefully cared for and feed some nutritious and digestible feeds daily. When the sheep enters and leaves the circle, it is necessary to prevent the ewes from being crowded, especially when grazing and grazing, and slashing and catching up.

2, the ewe's delivery room, repair and disinfection 10-15 days before production, the production room is required to be well ventilated, the ground is dry, which is conducive to the warmth of the ewe. At the same time, the production of lambs should be set up in the room, and the area of ​​each column is about 1.6 to 1.8 square meters.


3. Prepare the utensils and medicines used for the lambs in advance, such as common troughs, buckets, towels, equipment, medicines, record forms, etc., and also disinfect these tools before use.

4. When the ewes are nearing delivery, they should be sent to the delivery room immediately. Immediately after the lamb is produced, wipe the mucus in the mouth, nose, and ear. The mucus on the lamb will dry the ewes, which will make the ewes familiar with the lamb. At the same time, a large amount of oxytocin in the amniotic fluid, the ewe can help the discharge of the placenta after eating the mucus.

5, postpartum umbilical cord can let it break on its own, can also be cut with sterile scissors, and coated with iodine disinfection.


6. After the ewes have been delivered, use scissors to cut the long hair around the breasts, then rub the breasts with warm disinfectant to squeeze out the first few drops of milk to help the lambs suck the colostrum early.

7. In order to reduce the pain of the ewes and shorten the time of lamb production, artificial assisted labor can be properly carried out. For example, when the head of the lamb is exposed, the forelimbs are pulled outwards to make the lambs produce. If the fetal position is not correct, or the fetus is too large or deformed and cannot be used for midwifery, cesarean section or broken fetus may be performed.

8. After the lamb is produced, if there is a phenomenon of suspended animation, the hind legs of the lamb should be lifted in time to make the sheep stand up, and the mucus in the throat and nasal cavity should be removed. At the same time, artificial respiration can be taken.

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