The quail eggs are also known as ostrich eggs and quail eggs. The quail eggs are considered "ginseng in animals". Should be a regular diet for nourishing therapeutic products. The quail eggs have unique features in nutrition, so they are said to be "good products in the egg." Nearly circular, individuals are small, generally only about 5g, with brown spots on the surface. The nutritional value of quail eggs is no less than that of eggs. It has better skin care and skin care effects. Stork is a kind of cowardly bird that does not like to interact with each other and enjoys paired activities in an open and plain area covered with vegetation, pastures, and farmland. The species is cowardly, small in size and camouflaged. It often lurks in the plant base of farmland and pastures and is extremely difficult to find. After being frightened, it screams and flies away from its hiding place.
The nutritional value of quail eggs is no less than that of eggs. Each gram of edible portion contains 12.8 grams of protein, 11.1 grams of fat, 2.1 grams of carbohydrates, 337 micrograms of vitamin A, 0.11 milligrams of thiamine, and nuclear yellow. 0.49 mg, vitamin E 3.08 mg, potassium 138 mg, sodium 106.6 mg, magnesium 11 mg, manganese 0.04 mg, zinc 1.61 mg, copper 0.09 mg, phosphorus 180 mg, selenium 25 .48 mg, 515 mg of cholesterol. Some of its nutrients are slightly higher than the equivalent amount of eggs (the legend says that the nutritional value of a quail egg is equal to 2 or 3 eggs, which is incorrect). According to the data, it can be beneficial to qi, blood, and physical health. It is helpful in the treatment of anemia, malnutrition, neurasthenia, bronchitis, tuberculosis, hypertension, and metabolic disorders. Overseas reports have had an inhibitory effect on allergies caused by shrimp, crab or certain drugs.
The nutritional value of quail eggs is no less than that of eggs, rich in protein, cephalin, lecithin, lysine, cystine, vitamin A, dimension B2, dimension B1, iron, phosphorus, calcium and other nutrients, can be qi benefits Blood, strong gluten bones. Efficacy: qi and blood, branches rheumatism, strong gluten bones. The quail eggs have a wide range of amino acids, including halo, and high quality phospholipids, hormones and other essential human components. The content of iron, riboflavin and vitamin A is more than twice that of the same amount of eggs, and cholesterol is About one-third lower than eggs, it is an ideal nourishing food for all kinds of frail patients and the elderly, children and pregnant women. Quail eggs contain high levels of protein, cephalins, lecithin, iron, and vitamins. However, quail egg cholesterol is too high, should not eat.
The quail egg has a small appearance but it has high nutritional value. Japan's "Earthworms" book used quail eggs and ginseng and python as good products, and it has a certain effect on lung disease, pleurisy, asthma, heart disease and neurasthenia. Applicable people: suitable for infants and young children, pregnant women, the elderly, patients and people who are frail; cerebrovascular patients should not eat more quail eggs.
Usage and dosage: It is generally accepted as a kind of food. This kind of small egg is usually cooked until it is fully cooked or parboiled and then used for salad. It can also be pickled, boiled or made with jelly.