Zinc-rich food

Zinc is the protagonist of over 40 metalloenzymes in the body. For example, enzymes that carry oxygen and carbon dioxide with red blood cells, and bone growth and development, enzymes involved in nutrient metabolism, etc. all require zinc to participate. And it can activate many enzymes, play the role of enzymes, many physiological processes such as hormone metabolism, vitamin A metabolism and immune function, etc., without zinc in the body of a variety of complex and important reactions can not be carried out, life will stop. Therefore, some people hailed zinc as "the flower of life." Lack of zinc, stunting, men to puberty, poor development of secondary sexual characteristics, or simply do not develop, testicular and epididymis atrophy, sexual dysfunction, severe cases can cause male infertility, women do not come menstruation or amenorrhea. Deficiency of zinc in pregnant women may even lead to fetal malformations and postnatal brain dysfunction. The taste hormone in the normal human saliva is a zinc-containing saliva protein. When zinc deficiency occurs, not only the taste is decreased, but also stomatitis is prone to occur, and the appetite is reduced and anorexia is reduced.

Normal human body zinc content is half of iron, that is 1.4 to 2.3 grams. Adults ingest 10 to 20 mg daily to maintain homeostasis (20 mg for women, 25 mg for gestation, and 30 mg for lactation). More zinc-containing foods include oysters, pancreas, liver, cereals, whole grains, dried beans, nuts, eggs, meat, fish, etc. Milk contains less zinc than meat. Usually do not eat too fine diet, generally do not lack zinc.