Method for reducing consumption of grain drying equipment

According to the method of grain drying, the dryer can be divided into: a convection heat dryer, a conduction drying dryer, a radiation dryer, and a high frequency electric field dryer. Among them, the conduction drying dryer was widely adopted by food enterprises in the 1980s and early 1990s. The dryer is also called steam boiler, storage granary, preheating tower, drying tower, cooling tower and various conveying equipment. The advantage is that the precipitation is large, and the water can be reduced by 10%-15% at a time, the production volume is large, and the degree of automation is high. The disadvantages are high cost, high fuel consumption, and inconvenient maintenance.

The working principle of the dryer is:

In this drying method, the steam is not directly in contact with the grain, but only through the metal pipe, the grain flows outside the pipe to absorb heat, and the temperature of the grain rises after being heated, so that the internal moisture is transferred, and the surface vaporizes and vaporizes the water to be taken away by the drying medium. , thereby reducing the moisture of the grain.

According to its working principle, the cost reduction method is as follows:

1. Improve the drying medium. When the grain is dry, the substance that can be mixed with water vapor and carried away is called a drying medium. According to the definition of the drying medium, if the drying medium can heat the food in the drying process to a large extent; and the vaporized water vapor is taken away, the food is dried. This depends on the package capacity of the drying medium for water vapor, ie the absolute humidity of the air. The absolute humidity of air at different temperatures is different. At a certain temperature, the amount of water vapor contained in the humid air has a certain limit. When the amount of water vapor contained in the atmosphere and the amount of water vapor in the air condense into a dynamic balance, the water is contained. The amount of steam reaches a large limit, and the air at this time is called saturated air, and its absolute humidity is called absolute saturated humidity. The same kind of air has different saturated humidity values ​​at different humidity levels, such as a saturated humidity value of 17.2 g/m3 at 20 °C and 37.3 g/m3 at 34 °C. It can be seen that the larger the saturated humidity value, the stronger the drying ability.

In the traditional steam dryer, the flue gas is put into the steam after passing through the preheating tower, which not only pollutes the environment, but also wastes heat energy. In order to improve the utilization of heat energy, flue gas can be directly used as a drying medium. The specific modification method is to directly introduce the flue gas into the heating tower from the cigarette box after preheating. This makes it possible to effectively increase the temperature of the drying medium without increasing the heat source. It should be noted that the temperature of the furnace gas should be paid attention to during production. If the temperature is too high, the quality of the grain will be affected. Under normal circumstances, the temperature of the drying medium should be controlled between 80 °C and 130 °C.

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