Cherry whole body can be used as medicine, fresh fruit with sweating, Qi, hurricane, rash effect, suitable for limb numbness and rheumatic waist and leg disease diet. Cherry is hot, sweet, with Qi, spleen, and stomach, rheumatism.
The iron content of cherries is as high as 5.9 mg of iron per 100 grams of cherries. Iron is a raw material for the synthesis of human hemoglobin and myoglobin. It plays an important role in human immunity, protein synthesis, and energy metabolism. It is also closely related to brain and nerve function and aging process. The regular cherry can supplement the body's demand for iron and promote the regeneration of hemoglobin. It can prevent and treat iron deficiency anemia, enhance physical fitness, and improve brain and brain.
Prevent measles
When measles is popular, drinking cherry juice for children can prevent infection. Cherry luckily tastes flat and has the effect of sweating, rash, and detoxification.
Wind and wind
The cherry is warm and has the function of replenishing qi and Qi. It can dehumidify the wind, and it has good effect on rheumatism. Cherry tree root also has a strong insect repellent and insecticidal effect, which can kill locusts, aphids, aphids, etc.
Astringent analgesia
Cherry juice has a unique effect on burns. The cherries are squeezed out of the sap, and frequently applied to the burns, they can immediately stop the pain, but also to avoid wound infection, prevent purulent, play astringent pain, prevent the wound from the role of blisters and purulent. At the same time, cherry can also treat light and severe frostbite.
Beauty and resident
Cherry is rich in nutrients, containing more protein, sugar, phosphorus, carotene, vitamin C, etc. than apples, pears, especially high iron content, commonly used cherry juice rubbed face and wrinkles, can make facial skin red and white, Anti-wrinkle and anti-spot (hard spots or freckles on the face can play a role in desalination). Store it in the refrigerator after use, generally no more than two days storage period.
Treatment of pharyngitis
The cherry sweet and warm, initial inflammation of the throat, in the morning and evening respectively cherries 30 to 60 grams, can play an anti-inflammatory effect.
Relieve muscle soreness
Cherry is rich in anthocyanins, anthocyanins, vitamin E, etc. These nutrients are effective antioxidants and have a good effect on eliminating muscle soreness. Within a few days, cherries can reduce swelling and relieve pain. .
Prevent vision loss
The lack of vitamin A and related nutrients in the human body can lead to eye pain, vision loss, and photophobia. The content of vitamin A per 100 grams of cherries is 4 to 5 times higher than that of grapes, apples and other fruits. Regular consumption of cherries can effectively protect eyesight, especially for computer workers.
Taboo population: suitable for spleen and stomach Deficiency, loose stools diarrhea, loss of appetite, anemia, fatigue and gout, arthritis, chronic hepatitis patients.
Contraindications: Sexually active diseases and hypothermia cough, constipation who do not eat, renal insufficiency, oliguria who Shensi.
Efficacy and effect
It is estimated that cherry is extremely rich in iron, ranking first among all kinds of fruits. Iron is a raw material for human hemoglobin synthesis. Therefore, eating more cherries can not only alleviate anaemia, but also treat a series of gynecological diseases such as the treatment of pregnant women, lactational anemia, Sheehan's syndrome, menorrhagia, and uterine bleeding. And other gynecological diseases.
According to traditional Chinese medicine, fresh cherry fruit has the effects of sweating, Qi, hurricane, and rash, and is suitable for numbness of limbs and rheumatic diseases of waist and leg.
For gout patients, cherry is very effective in eliminating muscle soreness and inflammation. It contains rich anthocyanins, anthocyanins and vitamin E, etc., can promote blood circulation, help uric acid excretion, relieve gout, arthritis The resulting discomfort is a very effective antioxidant, especially anthocyanins in cherries, which can reduce the risk of inflammation and have the effect of reducing swelling and pain. Because of the short time-to-market of fresh cherries, it was recommended to use cherry wine for regular meals. However, wine is a taboo for gout patients. It is best to use fresh cherry juice or whole cherries directly in high-temperature infusion bottles and put them in pots for high-temperature cooking. After disinfection, it can be guaranteed that the quality will not deteriorate for a year. The disadvantage of this is that some of the active ingredients in the cherries are lost, so they can be added as appropriate. However, it should be noted that although cherries have a good effect in relieving joint pain, they must not take the place of necessary medical treatment.
According to experts, cherries also have an important effect: they can ease the discomfort of computer workers. People who often use computers can cause soreness in the joints of the fingers, wrists, shoulders, neck, and back. The nutrients contained in the cherries are effective antioxidants and can effectively relieve muscle soreness and benefit the people. For non-gout and other people who are not banned alcoholic beverages, they can be taken with cherry sparkling wine. Low-level foods such as fermented wines, such as rice wine, rice wine, and sorghum are most suitable. Storage in dark, cool places can extend the shelf life, and it will not be a problem for about 8 months to 1 year. If you can soak cherry with rice vinegar for a week, the amount of Beverage will sooner or later, to improve various symptoms caused by long-term use of computers Are very effective.
The human tongue has a range of specific taste sensation neural receptors called taste receptors which are organized mainly as papillae on the tongue. When stimulated by chemicals, natural or synthetic, organic or inorganic, cations or anions, the receptors send signals to the brain which interprets the stimulations as sweet, bitter, sour, salty, and savory (unami, meaty taste). For examples, cations such as Na+ present in the table salt evoke the salty taste, and H+ presents in acids evokes a sour taste. Organic compounds such as sugars, dextrins and glycerol result in sweet taste, glutamate results in savory taste, while many toxic compounds such as nicotine, morphine, caffeine, quinine, etc. result in bitter taste. The sensation of tastes is an evolution trait for defense against poisons (normally evoke bitter taste), and for allowance of nutrients intake (normally evoke sweet or savory taste).
Sugar is a natural sweetener as well as a nutrient consumed in vast quantity around the world. It is one of the major calorie intakes by humans. Over consumption of sugar often leads to obesity and other related medical conditions. High blood sugar level (hyperglycemia) is a manifestation of the disease diabetic mellitus; if not managed properly, it could lead to a range of medical complications. To combat these medical conditions, high potency sweeteners with no calorie or low calorie intake are often being used to substitute sugar. Proper control of calorie intake, coupled with the use of these sugar substitutes has been very effective in managing the medical conditions.
Besides the medical indications, using sugar substitutes brings the economic benefit of lowering the cost of many foods and consumer products, from soft drinks to cakes, pasties, and even toothpastes.
A variety of chemical compounds, natural or synthetic, can evoke sweet taste, but not all of them are safe (for example lead acetate has a sweet taste but it is extremely toxic), nor are sweet taste specific (for examples, many of synthetic sweeteners can also evoke other senses of taste such as bitterness or metallic sensation). Therefore, selection of the right sweetener for a specific use depends not only on the cost, but also more importantly on the health and safety, the sweetening potency, the effectiveness under various physical conditions such as cooking temperature (heat stability) and pH, as well as other unwanted tense of tastes of the sweetener.
At Sunshine Biotech, we have the expertise and technical know-hows to help you make the right selection for the right use.
Sweeteners,Artificial Sweetener,Stevia Liquid,Aspartame Powder,Neotame Powder
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