Today, with an emphasis on ecology, humans hope to kill pests with a method that does not pollute the environment while harmless to humans. In all attempts, pesticides made with vegetables can be considered as a simple and effective method. Cucumber Cucumber vines 1.25 kg, add water 205 kg smashed, to the slag to take the liquid, kilograms per kilogram of water added diluted 5 kg after spraying, can prevent cabbage caterpillar, vegetable worms and other pests. Tomato leaves, tomato leaves plus a small amount of water mash, to the slag to take the original solution. Mix 3 parts of water and 3 parts of water, add a small amount of soap and water, stir and spray to prevent red spider. Pumpkin leaf squash leaves a small amount of water smashed squeezing the original liquid, with two points of the original liquid plus 3 copies of the water single, plus a small amount of soap and water to stir and spray, can control aphids. Leek leeks 1 kilogram plus a small amount of water smashed, pick up the original liquid, 7 parts of the original liquid plus 3 parts of the old mix and then add a small amount of soap and water sprayed to prevent aphids. China Agricultural Network Editor