Nutrition is not so expensive, so high above. List the food champions among the 6 most common nutrients to help you find the cheapest, most common, nutritious food, and get the most nutrition with the least money.
Nutrients: Calcium can strengthen bones, stabilize emotions, and maintain normal nervous excitement.
Recommended intake: 800 mg daily.
Champion vegetables: kidney beans. 349 mg per 100 grams.
Nutrients: Vitamin C, also known as ascorbic acid, can protect blood vessel health and prevent "scurvy"; promote collagen synthesis, maintain skin elasticity, promote wound healing; protect gums, prevent tooth bleeding; antioxidation, prevention of arteriosclerosis, treatment Anemia and so on.
Recommended intake: 60 mg daily.
Champion Fruit: Kiwi. Per 100 grams contains 62 milligrams.
Champion vegetables: red pepper. 144 mg per 100 grams.
Nutrients: Vitamin E is one of the most important antioxidants. It can promote fertility, improve blood circulation, treat rough skin, stomach ulcers, have beauty, anti-aging effects.
Recommended intake: 14 mg daily.
Champion nuts: sunflower seeds. 79 mg per 100 grams.
Champion Fruit: Mulberry. Per 100 grams contains 12.8 milligrams.
Nutrients: Vitamin A can maintain eye and skin health, improve night blindness, rough skin condition, and help the body from free radical damage.
Recommended intake: 0.8 mg daily for adult men and 0.7 mg for women.
Champion vegetables: sweet potatoes (red hearts). 0.12 mg per 100 g.
Champion Fruit: Tangerine. 0.28 mg per 100 g.
Nutrients: Vitamin B1, can promote growth; help digestion, especially carbohydrate digestion; improve mental status; maintain normal activities of nerve tissue, muscles, and heart; reduce airsickness, seasickness; prevent beriberi.
Recommended intake: 1.4 mg per day for men and 1.3 mg for women.
Champion vegetables: peas. 0.41 mg per 100 g.
Champion fruit: red tangerine. 0.24 mg per 100 g.
Nutrients: Vitamin B2 helps eliminate inflammation in the oral cavity, lips, and tongue; promotes normal growth of skin, nails, and hair; improves vision and reduces eye fatigue.
Recommended intake: 1.4 mg for adult males and 1.2 mg for females.
Champion vegetables: broccoli. 0.12 mg per 100 g.
Champion fruit: dried longan. 0.39 mg per 100 g.
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