People who drink beer have fewer illnesses than those who are banned, and feel better about themselves.
According to the US Forbes magazine reported on March 16th, after 10 years of valuable health research, experts found that regular, moderate beer intake - that is, 1-2 cups per day, 12 ounces (350 milliliters) of beer - - It is good for men and women, especially if you are facing aging or suffering from the most common diseases. And the following 7 benefits you dream of, beer can bring you.
Maintaining heart health: A large number of studies have shown that moderate drinking, including beer, can reduce the risk of heart disease and that heart disease is the number one killer in the United States. In a 2006 study, researchers at the Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center and the Harvard School of Public Health found that among healthy men in the lifestyle, moderate drinkers had a 40% lower risk of heart attack than did alcohol-free persons — 60%.
Protect blood vessels: Hypertension affects about 650,000 Americans. But in 2007, researchers at the Harvard School of Public Health in the United States found that moderately high-spirited men who drink beer have a reduced risk of fatal and non-fatal heart attacks. Moderate drinking of beer also helps prevent thrombosis and prevents ischemic stroke.
Reducing the risk of diabetes: Studies have shown that moderate drinking of diabetes can also reduce the risk of the greatest killer, coronary heart attack. Research has also shown that mild drinking habits can help protect type 2 diabetics from developing countries. This may be because drinking alcohol increases insulin sensitivity or anti-inflammatory effects.
Improve cognitive skills: Does beer benefit the brain? Research shows that the answer is yes. A report published in the American Heart Association Journal in 2006 showed that moderate drinking may allow women to have better cognitive skills. Coincidentally, the study published in the 2003 “Journal of the American Medical Association†said that people over 65 years of age drinking 1-6 cups of alcoholic beverages per week have a lower risk of Alzheimer’s disease than alcohol and alcohol. .
Making bones strong: Studies have shown that beer can play a role in preventing bone loss and reconstructing bone mass in men, but no benefit is found for young women and women after menopause. It is said that it may be that the content of silicon in beverages is high. However, excessive alcohol consumption can greatly increase the risk of fractures.
Staying alive: A review of 50 studies showed that there is an inverse relationship between moderate drinking and total mortality. According to a report from the US Department of Agriculture in 2005, people who drank 1-2 glasses of alcohol a day seemed to have the lowest risk of death. It may be because beer plays a role in preventing coronary heart disease and stroke.
Feeling healthier: A study in the Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health shows that people who drink beer have fewer illnesses and feel better about themselves than those who are banned.
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