The digestion of feed by cows depends on the fermentation of microorganisms in the rumen, and the microorganisms in the rumen need a relatively stable environment. The method of feeding quails is not conducive to the ruminal health of cattle, which is not conducive to digestion. The best solution is to Feeding a variety of feeds properly, each feed should not be fed too much. The specific number of collocations is as follows:
First, silage 20 to 25 kg per cow per day.
Second, cows that eat silage are best paired with high quality hay (green hay), with no less than 4 kg per cow per day. At present, most areas lack cattle-fed cattle. Therefore, it is necessary to pay close attention to drying the hay and not allow all cows to eat grass.
Third, carrots, pumpkins, etc., due to too high moisture content should not be fed, each cow 3 to 5 kg per day.
Fresh grass does not exceed 12 kilograms per cow per day.
5. The amount of rapeseed cake and cottonseed meal in the feed should not exceed 10%.
6, accessories such as brewers, corn residues, bean curd residue, apple dregs, about 10 kilograms per cow per day.
7. Each cow produces 2.5 to 3 kilograms of milk, and it needs to feed 1 kilogram of concentrate feed. When there is more milk, more concentrate feed is provided. When there is less milk, less concentrate is given, but the amount of concentrate feed per day cannot exceed 12 kilograms. In the case of a large amount of feed on a daily basis, the number of feedings should be increased.
Natural, No-addition, Fig series products