Summer cabbage is generally sown in June-July. During this period, it is hot and rainy, and pests and diseases are severe. The following measures should be taken strictly for cultivation.
Selection of good varieties of Japanese Xia Yang, Xia Kang 50, heat resistant white, Xia Wang and other heat and moisture resistant varieties planted to avoid continuous cropping with cruciferous crops.
Suitable for sowing and deep-cultivation drying, basal per mus of rotting organic fertilizer 3000 kg, 25% ternary compound fertilizer 40-50 kg. The field is digging 1 ditch at a width of 2.2m, with a ditch width of 25cm and a ditch depth of 35cm. Each ditch starts with 2 ridges, the ridge bottom width is 85-90cm, the ridge width is 50-60cm, and the ridge height is 10-15cm. , pitch 20-30 cm. Ditching or sowing can be broadcast, each ridge broadcast 2 lines, spacing 40 to 45 cm, 30 cm distance, with 150 grams per acre. If the soil moisture is not good, dig a hole in the ridge or dig a hole and pour enough bottom water to sow and cover with 1 cm thick fine soil after sowing. Keep the soil moist before emergence to ensure that the seedlings are homogeneous, full and strong.
Fertilizer water early after the seedlings to the three-leaf period of multiple seedlings, four leaf stage seedlings by size, Ding Ding Miao 4000 ~ 4500. Grade fertilizer. After thinning and setting seedlings, 1,000 kg of thin human and animal manure water were applied per acre; 20 kg of urea was applied per acre to the end of rosette stage and early ball stage. Fertilizer applied in the middle of the line, after the fertilization, cultivating and weeding, rooting properly soil. In summer, the temperature is high and the amount of evaporation of water is large. It should be poured with small water. In case of heavy rain, it is drained in time.
Prevention and control of pests The major diseases and pests of summer cabbage are downy mildew, soft rot and cabbage caterpillars, Spodoptera litura. The control of downy mildew is sprayed with 40% 7 in the early stage of disease, 200-300 times of phosphine aluminum wettable powder, or 50% of toxic MnZn wettable powder 500-600 times. Prevention of soft rot, in the initial stage of disease, use 50% Dt WP 1000 to 1200 times, or 50% methicone wettable powder 600 to 800 times spray, spray every 7 to 8 days, continuous control 2 -3 times. Control pests such as cabbage caterpillars and Spodoptera litura, spray 25% diflubenzuron 3x suspension 500-1000 times before balling, or use 2.5% per cent of cyanuric vinegar vinegar emulsifiable oil 15-20 ml per acre 50 kilograms spray.
Early harvesting. Picking good plants gradually harvested, the market can last 10 to 15 days.
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