Is water a nutrient?

People who do not eat food can live for weeks or even months, but without water, how much water can be seen in a few days is important for the human body. But what is the main function of water in the human body?

The need for water is second only to oxygen. Water is a necessary substance for all life activities. The physiological functions of water are many. In addition to constructing the main components of the human body, it is a carrier for ingesting various nutrients in the human body. Without water, other nutrients are just like the dried sand in the dry riverbed, losing their function; The waste generated by material metabolism is also carried by water. And excreted through feces, urine, sweat and breathing; water can regulate body temperature through evaporation or sweating; water can also moisturize the skin, lubricate joints and other tissues. 60% of the weight of adult men is water, and women are 50% - 55%. It can be seen that water is the most abundant component in the body.

Summary: The need for water is second only to oxygen. Water is a necessary substance for all life activities. In adult men, 60% of the body weight is water, and in women, 50%-55%. It can be seen that water is the most abundant component in the human body.

Since water plays an important role in life activities and is an essential ingredient in the diet, it must be obtained from food, and it is often treated as a nutrient. However, there are also some nutrition workers who do not agree to treat water as a nutrient. This is a professional dispute. In any case, people cannot water. The sources of water in the body include drinking water, food water and endogenous water. Endogenous water is mainly derived from the water produced when protein, fat, and carbohydrates are metabolized. Daily water requirements per person vary greatly depending on temperature, physical condition, working conditions and environmental conditions. Generally speaking, except for the food containing water and endogenous water, the amount of drinking water in primary and middle school students is suitable between 1200-1500 ml per day. Of course, if you sweat a lot during summer or exercise, the amount of water you need can be even greater.

Conclusion: Water is not a nutrient that is not important to our average person. The important thing is that we must drink water every day. Daily water requirements per person vary greatly depending on temperature, physical condition, working conditions and environmental conditions. The amount of drinking water for primary and middle school students is between 1200-1500 ml per day.

What is healthy drinking water? Qualified tap water should be the main source of drinking water.

In addition, there is pure water and mineral water. Pure water removes more than 98% of minerals and organics through a certain process and adsorption. Mineral water is groundwater that is a few hundred meters below the ground. It contains a lot of mineral elements such as calcium, magnesium, sulfur, silicon, lithium, germanium, selenium, and zinc (although different mineral waters contain different amounts of each element) and carbon dioxide. . Although the essential nutrients are mainly derived from food, the inorganic salts and trace elements in the water are still one of the sources of the human body and are very beneficial to the human body. For special people, such as infants, children, the elderly, certain patients, etc. If the diet is not balanced, some minerals need to be obtained from drinking water. The first issue to consider when selecting water is safety. Remember that the main effect of drinking water is to hydrate the body. It is not right to add a small amount of water several times, one cup at a time, and drink a large bottle of water after exercise.