In recent years, sweet peas have gained higher economic returns in the early autumn in Guangzhou. Sweet peas are planted in the early autumn because the seedlings are in a high-temperature, high-humidity climate, and if the pests and diseases are serious, they will cause serious deaths if they do not pay much attention. Therefore, whether or not the seedlings can be kept in the early stage has become a successful key to the cultivation of sweet peas. The technical points are as follows:
1 Timely sowing: The sowing date should be determined based on latitude and altitude. From July to August in the northern part of Guangdong, in October in the central region, the elevation is more than 500 meters, in late July.
2 Fertilization: The basal fertilizer should be applied in full layers. After the land plough turns over, it is spread evenly throughout the field. After fertilization, it is lightly applied once.
3 Seeding: It is ideal to grow in a sandy loam field, so as to plant a shallow ditch in the middle of the loquat, and cover the soil for two centimeters after sowing.
4 Water and Fertilizer Management: The emergence of sweet peas requires stricter soil moisture requirements. Generally, irrigation cannot be performed during the seedling stage, and watering is mainly used to maintain the moist state of the field.
5 top dressing: Top dressing is thin and light. Seedling period is generally the first time after the seedlings 3-4 days for the first time dressing, urea 2-3 kg per urea, the first time after the top dressing 6-7 days for the second top dressing, fertilizer Lin 4-6 kg.
6 Weeding: Weeding and weeding should be carried out after the high temperature stage.
7 Diseases and pests control: (1) The damage of sweet fly pea larvae to the seedling stage is devastating, and its prevention should be mainly prevention. The method is: when planting seedlings, apply mule 1.5 kg in the sowing ditch, apply pesticide every 3 to 4 days within one month after emergence, and apply the inhalant dimethoate plus trichlorfon in the first three applications (or Killing Ding, Xing Bao Po, insecticide double) spray control, the fourth can be used separately for trichlorfon, double insecticide, rapid killing Ding, Xing cotton Po spray control. (2) Root rot is a fungal disease that is devastating. The prevention and treatment method is that every time the seedlings are fed with a fungicide every 7 days for the seedlings, such as 500 times for the enemy, 800 times for the carbendazim, 1,000 times for the anti-dry fungus, 1000 times for the equivalent sterilization king, and 3000 times for the green enjoyment number. Stable to grow on the 1st 600 times.
Nandrolone steroids is an androgen and anabolic steroid (AAS), their most popular selling ester on the market are Nandrolone Decanoate(Deca) and Nandrolone Phenylpropionate(NPP). The Raw Steroids of nandrolone are all white crystalline powder. They are not active by mouth and must be given by injection into muscle. You can easily get the finished steroid oils, but there are still many people like brewing by themselves, or getting the semi-finished oils, because they are much cheaper than finished.
People always like compare the effects of different steroid or supplents and try to find the best suitable products for them. The most popular products that helps muscle gain or fat loss on the market are listed as Human Growth Hormone, Bodybuilding Peptides and Sarms Raws . If you are interested in improving your performance, if you want to take your athletic career to the next level, why not try Deca Durabolin? It`s one of the most recognized performance enhancing supplements on the market.
When talking about raws of Deca Durabolin, people also like comparing it with NPP. They both can increase dramatic strength, muscle mass and endurance, get more red blood cell count, and increase collagen synthesis/alleviate joint pain as well.
So what's the difference between the deca and npp raws hormone? Basically, Nandrolone Phenylpropionate (NPP) is a much shorter acting ester of deca durabolin. As we know, the chemical name of deca is Nandrolone Decanoate. Therefore, it is Nandrolone attached to the decanoate ester. This particular ester takes anywhere from 1 to 2 weeks to get fully absorbed by the bloodstream, which is why the effects of deca take a while to peak and [kick in". Similarly, NPP is a nandrolone, but in this case, it is attached to a Phenylpropionate ester. It takes roughly 3-5 days for this ester to get fully absorbed. Therefore, the phenylpropionate ester is a little slower than the common propionate ester, yet it is still faster than the enanthate ester.
And how to choose between a cycle with Deca or NPP?
Since deca durabolin is such a long ester, and it takes a much longer time to kick in, it would be a better choice to stick with deca on bulking cycles ranging from 12 to 16 weeks. Deca is usually injected twice a week to maintain stable blood levels. In fact, deca is one of the hardest anabolic steroid to recover from, mostly due to its long ester and half life.
On the other hand, NPP is should be injected every other day, making it a wiser choice for shorter cutting cycles, where shorter esters are often recommended. The reason NPP is preferred in cutting cycles is because it starts acting faster than deca and will clear out of the system much faster. Furthermore, NPP is optimal for cutting cycles because usually it gives less water retention and bloating than deca does. This is critical when cutting, as bloat and water weight can have a negative impact on a desired lean physique.
You can have the similar logic to know when bodybuilders run short cutting cycles using Testosterone propionate versus a longer esters such as enanthate or cypionate.
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Nandrolone Steroids,Nandrolone Decanoate,Nandrolone Phenylpropionate,Finished Steroids
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