2. Ringworm disease and anthracnose ringworm disease on the fruit surface in the initial stage of the formation of water-stained brown spots, and quickly expanded to a brown lesion. In the early stage of anthrax, brown dots appear on the fruit surface, and after enlargement, the lesions are conically trapped in the flesh. Can use 50% sulfur suspension 200 times or round rot 300-500 times or strychnine 300 times spray.
3. After 7 months of disease, the average number of active pods per leaf 7-8 should be controlled by spraying. The commonly used agent is 4.5% high-quality cypermethrin EC 2000 times with spider aphid.
4. Rot Disease In July and August, rot bacteria began to spread in the skin layer of fruit trees, forming surface ulcers. To this end, we must adhere to regular scraping and disinfection, remove the scraped objects out of the park, bury them deep, and apply the drugs to the lesions (generally, the rot must be clear or 2 times better) and at the same time The main stem, main branch and large lateral branch are coated to remove the newly infected pathogen. Take care not to touch the leaves with the liquid to avoid phytotoxicity.
5. The golden thread moths in early July and early August are the key periods for the control of the second and third generation larvae of the golden moth, respectively. The use of 2.5% kungfu 1500 times solution is better, and it can also prevent peach borer.
If these diseases happen at the same time, they can also be treated with a bactericidal insecticidal and acaricidal agent, that is, 800 times solution of carbendazim or 800 times solution or 800 times bacteria solution, plus 2.5% kungfu 1500 times solution or 1000 times chlorpyrifos. Liquid or high-performance cypermethrin 2000 times plus spider paralysis, plus 2000 times plus power.
Step one: prepare the ingredients, dried noodles 100g (or wet noodles 150g), chopped green onion, a small bag of the seasoning.
Step two: Wash the green onion, cut into green onion, boil the water and add the prepared noodles.
Step 3: Add boiling water to the pot, add the prepared noodles and cook it in a pot. Add 300-400g of boiling water (better soup) to the bowl and add a small bag of the sauce.
Chongqing Small Noodles Seasoning
Chongqing Small Noodles Seasoning,Chongqing Hotpot Seasoning,Chongqing Small Noodles Sauce,Chongqing Cuisine
ChongQing Baifu Foods Co., Ltd. , http://www.baifufood.com